Volume 1, Number 2 (2022)
Contributors List
Fachrizal Afandi
Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya
Researching the Legal Culture of the Bureaucracy: An Introduction to Ethnographic Study of Procedural Criminal Law (Meneliti Budaya Hukum Aparat: Sebuah Pengantar tentang Etnografi dalam Studi Hukum Acara Pidana) [Dimensions Link]
Bernadinus Steni
Global Standards in the Kampung: Sustainability Standards and their Implications on Indonesian Legal Practice (Standar Global di Kampung: Sustainability Standards dan Implikasinya Terhadap Penerapan Hukum di Indonesia) [Dimensions Link]
Amalendu Jyotishi and Deepika M. G.
School of Development, Azim Premji University / School of Business,
Amrita Vishwa Vidayapeetham, Bangalore Campus
Understanding Institutional Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Co-operative Model: A Case Study of CAMPCO, India [Dimensions Link]
Gisela Violin and Yvonne Kezia D. Nafi
Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia
Protection of Online Gender-Based Violence Victims: A Feminist Legal Analysis [Dimensions Link]
Iva Kasuma, Farisa Azhara, Afida Ilfa, and Shofiyah Adila Farhana
Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia
Another Second Chance: Rehabilitation of Marital Rape Offender for the Victim's Recovery [Dimensions Link]
Researching the Legal Culture of the Bureaucracy: An Introduction to Ethnographic Study of Procedural Criminal Law (Meneliti Budaya Hukum Aparat: Sebuah Pengantar tentang Etnografi dalam Studi Hukum Acara Pidana)
Fachrizal Afandi
Global Standards in the Kampung: Sustainability Standards and their Implications on Indonesian Legal Practice (Standar Global di Kampung: Sustainability Standards dan Implikasinya Terhadap Penerapan Hukum di Indonesia)
Bernadinus Steni
Understanding Institutional Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Co-operative Model: A Case Study of CAMPCO, India
Amalendu Jyotishi and Deepika M.G.
Another Second Chance: Rehabilitation of marital rape offender for the victim’s recovery
Iva Kasuma, Farisa Azhara, Afida Ilfa, and Shofiyah Adila Farhana
Editorial Foreword IJSLS Volume 1 Number 2
Sulistyowati Irianto
Protection of Online Gender-Based Violence Victims: A Feminist Legal Analysis
Gisela Violin and Yvonne Kezia Nafi