

Filipino teachers drawn to Uzbekistan were attracted by the prestige and mission of its government schools, bringing world-class teaching experience from numerous countries. This departure of Filipino teachers to Uzbekistan is the focus of a hermeneutic phenomenological study that discloses a valuable tapestry of themes that capture the intricate quality of the educators’ journey. The Filipino teachers who joined this study were employed for a minimum of two years. This study was performed through semi structured interviews, and the data went through structural, thematic analysis, exposing a narrative covering distinct themes. First, the resilience and adaptability of the international educators and the empowerment of the local teachers within the distinctive educational landscape were revealed. Second, the personal dimensions, covering gratitude for their roles, high regard for Filipinos, and living in a peaceful community while embracing simplicity and local culture, were explored by the theme. Third, the strategic motives were showcased, stressing compensation packages, student attitudes, and alignment with the institution's prestige. This study deepens our knowledge of the experiences of international educators, accentuating the intricacies of cross-cultural teaching. The educators’ dedication to efficient teaching programs and an active learning environment, as exhibited in their strategies for maintaining connections and comfort, adds meaningful insights to the broader discourse on global education.

Bahasa Abstract

Para guru Filipina yang tertarik ke Uzbekistan tertarik oleh prestise dan misi sekolah-sekolah pemerintah Uzbekistan, membawa pengalaman mengajar kelas dunia dari berbagai negara. Studi fenomenologis hermeneutik dilakukan terkait eksodus guru Filipina ke Uzbekistan yang mengungkapkan kekayaan tema yang merangkum sifat beraneka hal terkait perjalanan para pendidik. Para guru Filipina yang berpartisipasi dalam studi ini dipekerjakan selama setidaknya dua tahun. Dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur, data dianalisis secara struktural dan tematik, mengungkapkan narasi berbagai tema yang berbeda. Pertama, ketahanan, adaptabilitas, dan pemberdayaan guru lokal dalam pemandangan pendidikan yang unik terungkap. Tema kedua membahas dimensi pribadi, mencakup rasa syukur atas peran mereka, penghargaan yang meningkat terhadap orang Filipina, dan hidup dalam komunitas yang damai sambil merangkul kesederhanaan dan budaya lokal. Tema ketiga menyoroti motivasi strategis, menekankan paket kompensasi, sikap siswa, dan keselarasan dengan prestise institusi. Studi ini memperkaya pemahaman kita tentang pengalaman pendidik internasional, menekankan kompleksitas pengajaran lintas budaya. Komitmen para pendidik terhadap program pengajaran yang efisien dan lingkungan belajar yang aktif, seperti yang terungkap dalam strategi para guru untuk menjaga koneksi dan kenyamanan, menambah wawasan berharga pada wacana yang lebih luas tentang pendidikan global.


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