Aims & Scope | Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia | Universitas Indonesia | Universitas Indonesia

Aims & Scope

Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia (Makara Hubs-Asia) is a regional journal that seeks to advance understanding of human behavior in the context of Asia through the publication of empirical research articles that may stimulate further research. The word "Makara" symbolizes the emblem of the journal's publisher, Universitas Indonesia, which means the well of knowledge that spreads across the continent. The "Makara" symbol is in line with our free of charge open-access policy to authors and readers, which would optimize the dissemination of knowledge. The journal welcomes research from any discipline that provides significant advancement of our understanding of human behavior in the context of Asia.

The journal welcomes original research and review articles from the social sciences and humanities. Disciplines covered in this journal include Anthropology, Communication, Cultural Study,  Criminology, Education, Management, Psychology, Psychiatry, Political Science, Public Policy, and Sociology.

The mission of our journal is to stimulate research on human behavior in the context of Asia, which will ultimately improve our understanding of human behavior in Asia. The Asian continent has pressing social challenges in the 21st century, and this journal contributes to addressing those issues.