This research examines the relationship between academic crafting, work-school facilitation and academic engagement in higher education. Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, the research sought to determine how students' alignment of academic activities with personal preferences and interests (academic crafting) affects academic engagement and whether work-school facilitation mediates this effect. The research therefore emphasized the delicate balance that students strike between their work obligations and their scholarly activities. Our research hypotheses focused on understanding how academic crafting directly and indirectly affects student engagement. The research data were obtained from a sample of students enrolled in postgraduate programs and actively working in the labor market. The sample included a higher proportion of male (108), married people (88), those aged 26 to 35 (89), students pursuing a master's degree with a thesis (112), and those who had been employed for 6–10 years (47). The analyses revealed that academic crafting has a direct positive effect on academic engagement. Moreover, in the research, academic crafting not only directly affected academic engagement, but also indirectly through work-school facilitation. In this case, it was determined that work-school facilitation had a mediating role in the study. Therefore, students who proactively aligned their course-related activities with their interests effectively balanced their work demands and academic responsibilities and exhibited more dedication and enthusiasm in their academic studies.
Bahasa Abstract
Penelitian ini menguji hubungan antara academic crafting, fasilitasi kerja-sekolah dan keterlibatan akademik di pendidikan tinggi. Berdasarkan Model Job Demands-Resources (JD-R), penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui bagaimana keselarasan aktivitas akademik siswa dengan preferensi dan minat pribadi (academic crafting) memengaruhi keterlibatan akademik dan apakah fasilitasi kerja-sekolah memediasi efek ini. Penelitian ini menekankan keseimbangan yang harus dicapai siswa antara kewajiban kerja dan aktivitas ilmiah mereka. Hipotesis penelitian kami berfokus pada pemahaman bagaimana academic crafting secara langsung dan tidak langsung memengaruhi keterlibatan siswa. Data penelitian diperoleh dari sampel mahasiswa yang terdaftar pada program pascasarjana dan aktif bekerja di pasar tenaga kerja. Mayoritas sampel adalah laki-laki (108), orang menikah (88), berusia 26-35 tahun (89), mahasiswa yang sedang mengejar gelar master dengan tesis (112), dan mereka yang telah bekerja selama 6–10 tahun (47). Analisis menghasilkan bahwa academic crafting mempunyai pengaruh positif langsung terhadap keterlibatan akademik. Selain itu, dalam penelitian tersebut, academic crafting tidak hanya berdampak langsung pada keterlibatan akademik, namun juga secara tidak langsung melalui fasilitasi sekolah-kerja. Dalam kasus ini, ditentukan bahwa fasilitasi sekolah-kerja mempunyai peran mediasi dalam penelitian ini. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa yang secara proaktif menyelaraskan aktivitas terkait perkuliahan dengan minat mereka secara efektif menyeimbangkan tuntutan pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab akademik mereka serta menunjukkan lebih banyak dedikasi dan antusiasme dalam studi akademis mereka.
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Recommended Citation
Kerse, G., & Çil, U. (2024). The Relationship between Academic Crafting, Work-School Facilitation and Academic Engagement: A Mediated Model. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 28(1), 27-38. https://doi.org/10.7454/hubs.asia.1130224