This study examines the association between positive body image and selective visual self-presentation behaviors on social networking sites, while also considering the moderating influence of gender. We conducted a cross-sectional survey involving 282 undergraduate students in Malaysia (Mage = 20.85, SD = 1.81). The results reveal a negative correlation between positive body image and behaviors such as posing in pictures and editing photos. However, no significant relationship was found between positive body image and photo selection. Gender differences were evident, with females exhibiting higher engagement in posing in pictures, editing, and photo selection compared to males. The findings also show that gender plays a moderating role in the relationship between positive body image and photo selection, whereas no moderating effect was observed for posing in pictures and editing photos. The study’s implications are discussed.
Bahasa Abstract
Studi ini menguji hubungan antara citra tubuh positif dan perilaku presentasi diri visual selektif di situs jejaring sosial, serta mempertimbangkan pengaruh moderasi gender. Kami melakukan survei cross-sectional yang melibatkan 282 mahasiswa sarjana di Malaysia (M usia = 20,85, SD = 1,81). Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya korelasi negatif antara citra tubuh positif dan perilaku seperti berpose dalam gambar dan mengedit foto. Namun, tidak ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara citra tubuh positif dengan pemilihan foto. Perbedaan gender terlihat jelas, perempuan menunjukkan keterlibatan yang lebih tinggi dalam berpose, mengedit, dan memilih foto dibandingkan laki-laki. Temuan ini juga menunjukkan bahwa gender memainkan peran yang memoderasi hubungan antara citra tubuh positif dan pemilihan foto, sementara itu tidak ada efek moderasi yang teramati untuk berpose dalam gambar dan mengedit foto. Implikasi penelitian ini dibahas.
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Recommended Citation
Ahadzadeh, A., Ong, F., & Pahlevan Sharif, S. (2023). Relationship between Positive Body Image and Selective Visual Self-presentation on Social Networking Sites: Moderating Role of Gender. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 27(2), 58-73. https://doi.org/10.7454/hubs.asia.1101023