This study examined the relationship of neuroticism and internet addiction by investigating the mediating role of perceived stress and the moderating role of adaptive coping style among Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan. The study was conducted with a cross-sectional design on 466 migrant Indonesian workers collected in Indonesian working places and the leisure activity places in Taipei and Taichung area in Taiwan by purposive sampling. Participants completed a survey, including measures of neuroticism, internet addiction, perceived stress, and adaptive coping style. The results showed that perceived stress mediated the association of neuroticism with internet addiction. Furthermore, adaptive coping style moderated the strength of the mediation between neuroticism and internet addiction via perceived stress, such that the mediated relationship weakened under the higher levels of adaptive coping style than under the lower levels of adaptive coping style. These results supported the hypothesized model. However, the model needs further examination in a large-scale longitudinal study.
Bahasa Abstract
Penelitian ini menguji hubungan neurotisisme dan adiksi internet dengan menguji peran mediasi perceived stress dan peran moderasi dari adaptive coping style pada pekerja migran Indonesia di Taiwan. Penelitian cross-sectional dengan purposive sampling dilakukan pada 466 partisipan pekerja migran Indonesia di Taiwan wilayah Taipei dan Taichung. Partisipan berpartisipasi dengan sukarela mengisi kuesioner untuk mengukur neurotisisme, adiksi internet, perceived stress, dan adaptive coping style. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived stress berperan sebagai mediator hubungan antara neurotisisme dan adiksi internet. Selanjutnya adaptive coping style memoderasi kekuatan hubungan mediasi, dimana kekuatan mediasi perceived stress dalam hubungan antara neurotisisme dan adiksi internet melemah jika level adaptive coping style meningkat dan sebaliknya. Hasil penelitian mendukung model yang dihipotesakan. Tetapi, model penelitian perlu diuji kembali di studi longitudinal yang besar.
Recommended Citation
Simanjutak, E. J., & Ko, H. (2021). Moderated-Mediation Roles: Relationship between Internet Addiction, Neuroticism, Perceived Stress, and Adaptive Coping Style among Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 25(1), 80-95. https://doi.org/10.7454/hubs.asia.1160321