The 8-item Short Grit Scale (Grit-S; Duckworth & Quinn, 2009) is a measure of the two aspects of grit: consistency of interests and perseverance of effort. While the majority of the past studies supported the two-factor model, some found cultural differences. Two studies were carried out to test the factor structure of the Grit-S in a sample of Malaysian undergraduate students (total N = 1109). Exploratory factor analysis (Study 1) revealed two factors. Item 2 for perseverance subscale was removed due to unsatisfactory factor loading. Further analysis of the seven items supported the two-factor model. Confirmatory factor analyses (Study 2) supported the superiority of the two correlated-factor model with 7 items. Moreover, the consistency and perseverance scores showed acceptable internal consistency. The current research contributes to the literature by lending further support to the theoretical two-factor structure of the Grit-S and revealing potential cultural differences in the items. Future studies are thus recommended to address these cultural differences and confirm the usability of the 7-item Grit-S in the Malaysian context
Bahasa Abstract
Skala Kegigihan 8-aitem (Grit-S; Duckworth & Quinn, 2009) mengukur dua aspek: ketekunan upaya dan konsistensi minat. Sementara mayoritas penelitian mendukung model dua-faktor, beberapa peneliti menemukan perbedaan budaya pada penelitian Grit-S. Dua studi dilakukan untuk memeriksa struktur faktor Grit-S dalam sampel mahasiswa strata satu Malaysia (jumlah N = 1109). Teknik eksploratori analisis faktor (Studi 1) mengungkapkan dua faktor. Aitem 2 untuk dimensi ketekunan telah dihapus karena factor loading yang minim. Analisis lebih lanjut dari tujuh aitem mendukung model dua-faktor. Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori (Studi 2) mendukung keunggulan model grit dua faktor berkorelasi dengan 7 aitem. Selain itu, dimensi ketekunan upaya dan konsistensi minat menunjukkan reliabilitas konsistensi internal yang memadai. Penelitian ini memberikan sumbangsih pada literature grit dengan mendukung adanya struktur dua-faktor dari Grit-S dan potensi perbedaan budaya dalam tinjauan aitem. Penelitian selanjutnya direkomendasikan untuk menitikberatkan perbedaan budaya dan mendukung penggunaan 7-aitem Grit-S di Malaysia.
Recommended Citation
Tan, C., Low, S. R., Chong, H. Y., Chong, S. L., Ong, A. W., Siah, P. C., Phang, S. F., Ong, Z. Q., Tan, W. H., Wong, J. A., & Lew, W. H. (2019). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) for Malaysian Undergraduate Students. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 23(1), 27-33. https://doi.org/10.7454/hubs.asia.2120519