Past studies have found that an individual's epistemological development is predicted from learning that is meaningful to the learner. The current research aims to address whether deep learning style is able to predict students' epistemological ability (self-authorship, which is defined as the internal capacity to construct and evaluate knowledge claims, to comprehend the nature of contextual knowledge, and to have independence in the acquisition of knowledge). The researchers hypothesized that the deeper the learning approaches adopted by students, the higher their selfauthorship. Conversely, the more students utilize a surface approach to learning, the lower their self-authorship. A total of 346 students enrolled in a university in Indonesia participated in the study. The results showed support for both hypotheses, and we discussed the role of cognitive dispositions in the development of epistemological ability.
Bahasa Abstract
Studi terdahulu telah menemukan bahwa perkembangan epistemologis individu dapat diketahui melalui pembelajaran yang melibatkan pemaknaan siswa. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui apakan pendekatan belajar mendalam dapat memprediksi perkembangan epistemologis (self-authorship, yang didefinisikan sebagai kapasitas internal untuk mengkonstruksi dan mengevaluasi klaim pengetahuan, memahami hakikat pengetahuan yang kontekstual, dan memiliki kemandirian dalam pencarian pengetahuan). Peneliti memiliki hipotesis bahwa semakin siswa memiliki pendekatan belajar yang mendalam, semakin siswa memiliki self-authorship yang tinggi. Sebaliknya, semakin mahasiswa menggunakan pendekatan belajar permukaan, semakin rendah self-authorship-nya. Sebanyak 346 mahasiswa di Indonesia berpartisipasi dalam studi. Hasil mengkonfirmasi dua hipotesis peneliti. Diskusi penelitian ini membahas peranan disposisi kognitif dalam kemampuan perkembangan epistemologis mahasiswa.
Recommended Citation
Arifin, H. H., & Muluk, H. (2017). Learning Approach as Predictor of Students' Epistemological Development in the Framework of Self-Authorship Theory. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 21(1), 52-61. https://doi.org/10.7454/mssh.v21i1.3500