

Unlike in business and industrial setting, researches examining organizational commitment in academic/educational realm have been scarce. In particular, because of significant role of male teacher in students’ psychological development, it is necessary to reveal male teachers’ commitment due to persistent huge disparity of their numbers as compared with their female counterparts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictability of traits-personality and perceived organizational support towards male teachers’ organizational commitment and also to examine the relation of five factors of personality with dimensions of their commitment. Participants for this study consisted of male teachers of private elementary schools in Jakarta. This study found that traits-personality and perceived organizational support made significant contributions to teachers’ commitment. More over, it was determined that two of five factors of personality were predictors for male teachers’ commitment dimensions. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed.

Bahasa Abstract

Penelitian tentang komitmen organisasi umumnya dilakukan dalam latar bisnis dan industri dan masih sangat sedikit dalam latar pendidikan. Secara khusus, komitmen organisasi guru pria perlu diteliti mengingat jumlahnya yang terpaut jauh dibandingkan guru wanita meski keberadaannya juga sangat dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan psikologis siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji kemampuan prediktif sifat-kepribadian dan dukungan organisasi terhadap komitmen organisasi para guru pria dan selanjutnya menguji faktor kepribadian yang berkontribusi terhadap komponen komitmen organisasi guru pria tersebut. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru-guru pria sekolah dasar swasta di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat-kepribadian dan dukungan organisasi berkontribusi signifikan terhadap komitmen guru pria di sekolah dasar swasta. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa dua dari lima faktor kepribadian berperan signifikan terhadap dimensi-dimensi komitmen organisasi guru tersebut.


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