Volume 10, Number 1 (2023)
Original Articles
Utilization of Spent Arabica Coffee Grounds as Raw Material for Activated Charcoal in Liquid Bath Soap Formulation
Hilda Maysarah, Lydia Septa Desiyana, Siti Nurzuhra, and Didi Nurhadi Illian
Synthesis of Ferrous Fumarate from Indonesian Iron Sand and In Vivo Body Weight Gain Test in Rats
Taufiq Indra Rukmana, Felicia Natalia Kurniadi, and Harmita Harmita
Beyond Use Date (BUD) Determination of Ambroxol Hydrochloride Syrup by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography – UV/VIS Detector
Catur Jatmika, Raditya Iswandana, and Indah Dewi Lestari
Interaction between Fluoxetine and Risperidone and Its Association with Clinical Outcomes in Schizophrenic Patients
Fitri Rachmaini, Dian Ayu Juwita, Rahmad Abdillah, Rezy Dwi Afrianti, and Fatma Sri Wahyuni
Review Article
Solid Dispersion Technology for Improving the Solubility of Antiviral Drugs
Maria Elvina Tresia Butar-Butar, Nasrul Wathoni, Hestiary Ratih, and Yoga Windhu Wardhana