Introduction. Surgical site infection (SSI) is a significant concern following digestive surgery, with varying incidence rates based on wound contamination levels. The choice between Primary Closure (PC) and Delayed Primary Closure (DPC) impacts SSI occurrence, making it essential to evaluate their comparative effectiveness. DPC is hypothesized superior to PC to prevent SSI or wound infection after a contaminated abdominal surgery.
Methods. This systematic review study was carried out through PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane (CENTRAL). Quality was assessed using Risk of Bias (ROB-2) tool. All results were summarized, and quantitative analysis was performed using a random-effect model. This study is reported following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Eligibility criteria included adult patients undergoing abdominal gastrointestinal surgery, evaluating SSI and hospital stay, directly comparing PC and DPC, and randomized controlled trials (RCT) study.
Results. Of 447 published studies, there were 10 eligible RCTs, consist of 672 subjects who received DPC and 668 subjects who received PC. We found no significant difference in SSI occurrence between PC and DPC (RR=0.62, 95%CI: 0.38–1.02; p=0.06) with high heterogeneity (I2=74%, p
Conclusion. DPC tend to decrease SSI risk. Our findings revealed that PC is not inferior than DPC to prevent SSI and improve hospital stay in abdominal surgery. The choice between techniques should be individualized, considering patient characteristics and surgical context. Standardized criteria and further research are crucial for refining closure method selection, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and reducing the burden of SSI.
Bahasa Abstract
Pendahuluan. Infeksi luka operasi (SSI) adalah masalah penting setelah operasi saluran cerna, dengan tingkat kejadian yang bervariasi berdasarkan tingkat kontaminasi luka. Pilihan antara Penutupan Primer (Primary Closure/PC) dan Penutupan Primer Tertunda (Delayed Primary Closure/DPC) memengaruhi kejadian SSI, sehingga penting untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas komparatif keduanya. DPC diduga lebih unggul dibandingkan PC dalam mencegah SSI atau infeksi luka setelah operasi perut yang terkontaminasi.
Metode. Penelitian tinjauan sistematis ini dilakukan melalui PubMed, Scopus, dan Cochrane (CENTRAL). Kualitas penelitian dinilai menggunakan alat Risk of Bias (ROB-2). Semua hasil dirangkum dan analisis kuantitatif dilakukan menggunakan model random-effect. Studi ini dilaporkan sesuai dengan pedoman Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Kriteria inklusi mencakup pasien dewasa yang menjalani operasi saluran cerna abdomen, menilai SSI dan lama rawat inap, membandingkan langsung PC dan DPC, serta merupakan studi uji coba terkontrol secara acak (randomized controlled trials/RCT).
Hasil.Dari 447 penelitian yang diterbitkan, terdapat 10 RCT yang memenuhi syarat, terdiri dari 672 subjek yang menerima DPC dan 668 subjek yang menerima PC. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan signifikan dalam kejadian SSI antara PC dan DPC (RR=0,62, 95%CI: 0,38–1,02; p=0,06) dengan heterogenitas tinggi (I2=74%, p
Kesimpulan. DPC cenderung mengurangi risiko SSI. Temuan kami mengungkapkan bahwa PC tidak lebih buruk dibandingkan DPC dalam mencegah SSI dan memperbaiki lama rawat inap pada operasi abdomen. Pemilihan antara kedua teknik ini harus disesuaikan secara individual, dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik pasien dan konteks pembedahan. Kriteria yang distandardisasi dan penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menyempurnakan pemilihan metode penutupan, sehingga pada akhirnya meningkatkan hasil pasien dan mengurangi beban SSI.
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Recommended Citation
Sihardo, Lam; Lalisang, Arnetta NL; Putra, Afid B.; and Suryawiditya, Bagus A.
"Navigating Wound Closure Strategies: Primary Closure vs. Delayed Primary Closure in Digestive Surgery—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Surgical Site Infections,"
The New Ropanasuri Journal of Surgery: Vol. 9:
2, Article 2.
DOI: 10.7454/nrjs.v9i2.1204
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