Volume 25, Issue 2 (2021)
Improvement of Electrical Properties of CMC-PVA Doped with Various Contents of LiNO3 as an Application for Hybrid Polymer Electrolytes
Amalia Zulkifli, Norfatihah Mazuki, and Ahmad Salihin Samsudin
Comparison of Concrete and Steel Jacket Methods for Reinforcing A Concrete Bridge Pier by Numerical and Experimental Studies
Hadi Faghihmaleki
Effect of Arc Plasma Sintering on the Structural and Microstructural Properties of Fe-Cr-Ni Austenitic Stainless Steels
Parikin Parikin, M. Dani, A. Dimyati, N. D. Purnamasari, B. Sugeng, M. Panitra, A. Insani, T. H. Priyanto, S. Mustofa, Syahbuddin Syahbuddin, and A. Huang
Trend Significance Levels of Rain Onset and Cessation and Lengths of the Wet and Dry Seasons in Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria
Adekunle Adedeji Alli and Olorunwa Eric Omofunmi
Music Information Retrieval Based on Active Frequency
Hardianto Wibowo, Wildan Suharso, Yufis Azhar, Galih Wasis Wicaksono, Agus Eko Minarno, and Dani Harmanto
Kinetic Modeling Study of Laminar Burning Velocity of Gasoline–Ethanol–Methanol Blends at Elevated Temperature and Pressure
Ahmad Syihan Auzani, Cahyo Setyo Wibowo, Riesta Anggarani, Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, and Bambang Sugiarto
Predictive Delivery Man Assignment Problem using Deep Learning
Rahmadini Payla Juarsa and Taufik Djatna