Volume 16, Issue 2 (2012)
Small Scale Experiment: Thermal Performance Comparison Between Fiber-Cement Roof and Photovoltaic Roof In Malang, Indonesia
Nurhamdoko Bonifacius and Sri Nastiti Nugrahani Ekasiwi
Effects of Deposition Parameters and Oxygen Addition on Properties of Sputtered Indium Tin Oxide Films
Badrul Munir, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, and Kim Kyoo Ho
The Effect of Rubber Mixing Process on The Curing Characteristics of Natural Rubber
Abu Hasan, Rochmadi Rochmadi, Hary Sulistyo, and Suharto Honggokusumo
Improved Optical Probe for Measuring Phytoplankton Suspension Concentrations Based on Optical Fluoresensce and Absorption
Retno Wigajatri Purnamaningsih and Nining Betawati Prihantini
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polypropylene Reinforced by Calcined and Uncalcined Zeolite
Nurdin Bukit
Benchmark for Country-Level Earthquake Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program
Widjojo Adi Prakoso and I Nyoman Sukanta
Worst Case of Relative Disturbance Gain Array for Uncertain Distillation System
Rudy Agustriyanto and Jie Zhang
Observation of Center Disaster Damage on Pariaman and Wasior Using Differential Sar Interferometry (Dinsar)
Dodi Sudiana and Mia Rizkinia
Physico-Chemical, and Sensory Properties of Soy Based Gouda Cheese Analog Made from Different Concentration of Fat, Sodium Citrate and Various Cheese Starter Cultures
Abu Amar and Ingrid Suryanti Surono
Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Using Hydrodinamic Cavitation
Muhammad Dani Supardan, Satriana Satriana, and Mahlinda Mahlinda
Coastal Physical Vulnerability of Surabaya and Its Surrounding Area to Sea Level Rise
Sayidah Sulma, Eko Kusratmoko, and Ratna Saraswati
The Effect of Size and Crumb Rubber Composition as a Filler with Compatibilizer Pp-G-Ma in Polypropylene Blends and Sir-20 Compound on Mechanical and Thermal Properties
Erna Frida
Knowledge Dictionary for Information Extraction on the Arabic Text Data
Wahyu Syaifullah Jauharis Saputra, Agus Zainal Arifin, and Anny Yuniarti
Development of Local-Economic-Development Small and Medium Industries (Led-Sme) In East Java
Rachmad Hidayat and Sabarudin Akhmad
CDM Potential in Palm Solid Waste Cogeneration as an Alternative Energy in Aceh Province
Mahidin Mahidin, Izarul Machdar, Muhammad Faisal, and Muhammad Nizar