The article aims to describe the changes in gender relations in the family of women who became impromptu online entrepreneurs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theories of gender role triplicity and social capital were used to analyze research findings. Data for this qualitative longitudinal research was collected through observations and interviews with fourteen married women in Depok, West Java, from 2020 to 2022. Research findings illustrated that when women became entrepreneurs during the pandemic, there was a change in their role, from the domestic to the public sphere. However, when family economic condition improved after the pandemic, women returned to the domestic sphere and gave up their business networks. On the other hand, women who continued to engage in entrepreneurship did not leave their domestic roles, even though their business network was growing. These dynamics of gender relations in the family illustrated how traditional roles in the family are changing; while also suggesting strategies employed by women when transitioning into impromptu online entrepreneurs during and after the pandemic. Their educational background and social capital become the basis for distinct gender relations in their families. This article also suggests the importance of promoting gender equality to support women's empowerment in the domestic and public spheres.
Bahasa Abstract
Artikel bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perubahan relasi gender konteks keluarga akibat pandemi COVID-19 pada perempuan wirausaha daring dadakan. Teori gender triple roles dan kapital sosial digunakan untuk menganalisa temuan penelitian. Data dikumpulkan melalui pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan secara longitudinal dengan pengamatan dan wawancara mendalam terhadap empat belas perempuan berkeluarga di Depok, Jawa Barat dari tahun 2020 sampai 2022. Temuan penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pada saat perempuan menjadi wirausaha di masa pandemi terjadi perubahan peran mereka dari ranah domestik ke publik. Namun, saat kondisi ekonomi keluarga membaik pasca pandemi, perempuan kembali ke ranah domestik dan melepaskan jaringan usahanya. Para perempuan yang kemudian melanjutkan wirausahanya pun tidak meninggalkan peran domestiknya walaupun jaringan usaha semakin berkembang. Dari perubahan peran ini terjadilah dinamika relasi gender dalam keluarga yang menggambarkan bagaimana peran tradisional dalam keluarga berubah dan bagaimana perempuan menavigasi perubahan tersebut saat bertransisi menjadi wirausaha daring dadakan di masa pandemi dan pasca pandemi. Latar belakang pendidikan dan kapital sosial yang dimiliki menjadi dasar dalam perempuan bertindak yang kemudian membedakan relasi gender dalam keluarga mereka. Artikel ini juga menyarankan pentingnya mempromosikan gender equality untuk mendukung pemberdayaan perempuan di ranah domestik dan publik.
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Recommended Citation
Imelda, Johanna D. and Setiyono, Ditha A.
"The Dynamic of Gender Relations During and Post Pandemic in Families of Impromptu Online Woman Entrepreneurs in Indonesia,"
Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi: Vol. 28:
2, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/MJS.v28i2.13563
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