

Many countries, including Indonesia, have paid attention to support the development of creative industry. Economic sociologists and sociologits of art have done researches on dynamics of this industry for quite sometime. By employing concepts of Art World and institutional (social) networks, this study attempts to answer two important questions. First, how do dynamics of social relationships within Art Worlds occur in an arena of fashion creative industries in Bandung and Bali? Second, to what extent local government plays roles in the drive of development of this industry in both areas? The main focus of this study is distro fashion industry in Bandung and Balinese fine clothing in Bali. Extended case method has been used to collect data from various actors. Fifty key informants in each area have been interviewed. This study reveals that the Art Worlds of fashion industries in both areas need to re-invent themselves so that they are capable of inovating their methods of production and distribution. Moreover, local governments need to facilitate a constructive development of social networks among fashion producers. The future of creative fashion industry will depend on the maturity of social networks that signified by innovative cooperation between local governments and societies of fashion industries.

Bahasa Abstract

Banyak negara termasuk Indonesia menaruh perhatian dalam mendorong perkembangan industri kreatif. Ahli sosiologi ekonomi dan ahli sosiologi seni sudah lama meneliti dinamika perkembangan industri ini. Dengan menggunakan konsep Dunia Seni (Art World) dan konsep jaringan kelembagaan, studi ini berusaha menjawab dua pertanyaan penting. Pertama, bagaimana dinamika Dunia Seni, termasuk jaringan sosial, di arena industri kreatif fesyen di Bandung dan Bali? Kedua, seberapa jauh peran pemerintah dalam mendorong perkembangan industri kreatif dibidang fesyen di Bandung dan Bali? Dua daerah tersebut dipilih karena secara historis dikenal sebagai daerah industri fesyen. Fokus utama studi ini adalah industri distro fesyen di Bandung dan kain tenun ikat di Bali. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus yang diperluas dan mewawancarai lima puluh informan di dua daerah tersebut, studi ini menyimpulkan sebagai berikut. Pertama, masyarakat fesyen perlu mendorong dirinya sendiri melahirkan pemimpin inovatif dalam produksi dan distribusi fesyen. Kedua, pemerintah perlu menjadi fasilitator dalam membangkitkan komitmen pengembangan jaringan sosial pengusaha fesyen. Masa depan industri fesyen akan tergantung pada penguatan jaringan sosial yang ditandai dengan kerja sama inovatif antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat industri fesyen.
