
Di tingkat nasional dan daerah telah terdapat kebijakan publik, program dan kegiatan untuk menanggulangi HIV/AIDS, namun jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS meningkat setiap tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas collaborative governance antarpemangku kepentingan dalam pelayanan komprehensif berkesinambungan untuk menanggulangi HIV/AIDS di Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus jenis exploratory. Informan ditentukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada 2 Juli – 2 September 2013 dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, focus group discussion, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberi dan penerima layanan berperan dalam penanggulangan HIV/AIDS sesuai tugas dan fungsinya masing-masing. Program pencegahan dan penjangkauan, layanan kesehatan, reduksi bahaya, dan pemberdayaan belum efektif karena komitmen terhadap tujuan dan sikap saling percaya antarpemangku kepentingan belum optimal, petugas lapangan kurang profesional, terdapat konflik laten antarpemangku kepentingan, kurang optimalnya koordinasi antaranggota Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Daerah Kota Surakarta dan rendahnya anggaran untuk penanggulangan HIV/AIDS karena HIV/AIDS belum menjadi isu prioritas dalam pembangunan daerah. Disimpulkan bahwa kolaborasi governance antarpemangku kepentingan belum efektif. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas kolaborasi governance antarpemangku kepentingan, harus ada norma, struktur, dan proses yang jelas dalam menanggulangi HIV/AIDS. There have been public policies, programs and activities to cope with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia at national and local level, but number of HIV/AIDS cases is increasing every year. This study aimed to determine effectivity of collaborative governance between stakeholders in a sustainable comprehensive service to cope with HIV/AIDS in Surakarta City. This study was an exploratory study. Informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was conducted on 2 July – 2 September 2013 using in-depth interview, observation, focus group discussion, and documentation. Technique of data analysis was an interactive analysis model. Results showed that service provider and receiver had taken roles in HIV/AIDS coping based on their own duty and function. Prevention and outreach, healthcare service, harm reduction and empowerment programs had not been yet effective because of less optimal commitment to purpose and mutual trust between stakeholders, less professional fieldworkers, latent conflict occurred between stakeholders, less optimal coordination between AIDS Coping Commission of Surakarta City members, and low budget for HIV/AIDS coping as HIV/AIDS is not yet a priority issue in regional development. In brief, collaborative governance between stakeholders is not yet efffective. To improve the quality and the collaborative governance effectivity between stakeholders, there should be any clear norm, structure and process in coping with HIV/AIDS.


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