
Pendanaan kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam memengaruhi derajat kesehatan, termasuk salah satu masalah gizi pada balita yang disebut gizi buruk. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pendapatan daerah dan pembiayaan kesehatan serta korelasinya dengan gizi buruk pada balita di tingkat kabupaten/kota di Indonesia tahun 2007. Penelitian ini merupakan studi ekologi/korelasi. Data pendapatan daerah dan pembiayaan kesehatan didapat dari Kementerian Keuangan, sedangkan data gizi buruk menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Nasional tahun 2007. Sebanyak 250 kabupaten/kota yang diteliti dengan tidak mengikutsertakan kabupaten/kota yang datanya tidak lengkap atau tidak valid. Secara nasional, hanya persentase pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) per total pendapatan yang berkorelasi dengan gizi buruk, meskipun korelasinya lemah (r = 0,22). Berdasarkan kawasan di Indonesia, Kawasan Indonesia Barat dan Kawasan Indonesia Timur menunjukkan persentase PAD per total pendapatan berkorelasi lemah dengan gizi buruk (r = 0,20 dan r = 0,53). Terlihat kecenderungan bahwa semakin tinggi persentase pendapatan daerah dan pembiayaan kesehatan, semakin rendah persentase gizi buruknya. Korelasi antara pendapatan daerah, pembiayaan kesehatan dan masalah status gizi tidak dapat diabaikan. Data yang lebih lengkap dan valid diperlukan untuk dikembangkan penelitian selanjutnya. Health financing is one of the factors which contribute important role in influencing health status, including nutritional problem among children under five, called severely wasted. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe districts income and health financing and examine it correlations with the prevalence of severely wasted among children under 5 years at regencies/ municipalities level in Indonesia in 2007. This research was an ecological study. Data on revenue and health financing were obtained from Ministry of Finance, and severely wasted data were obtained from the Indonesian Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007. There are 250 regencies/municipalities were being objects of this research, while the others were excluded due to incomplete/missing or invalid data. Result shows nationally, only the percentage of local revenue by total district income had correlation with severely wasted, although it is weak (r = 0,22). By regions, in the Western Region Indonesia and the Eastern Region Indonesia, those variable had weak correlation with severely wasted (r = 0,20 and r = 0,53). The graphics trend shows higher percentage of local revenue and health financing, related to lower number of the prevalence of severely wasted. The correlation between district income and health financing for poor nutritional status cannot be ruled out. More valid and complete data on district income and health financing is needed for further research.


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