
Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit yang paling banyak terjadi di Jakarta. Ciri kepribadian tipe A, yaitu tampak selalu sibuk, terburu-buru, tidak sabar atau mudah marah, tampak pada beberapa pasien hipertensi. Penelitian potong lintang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepribadian tipe A dengan hipertensi. Sebanyak 64 responden, yang usia > 30 tahun dan tidak sedang dalam pengobatan dengan antihipertensi, dipilih secara konsekutif di antara pengunjung Puskesmas Kelurahan Joglo-II antara 30 April – 5 Mei 2012. Tekanan darah diukur sesuai dengan protokol standar. Informasi tentang kepribadian dan faktor-faktor risiko yang lain dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis statistik menggunakan prosedur generalized linear model. Ditetapkan batas kemaknaan 0,05. Dari 64 responden, 36 orang (56,3%) mempunyai kepribadian tipe A dan 22 orang (34,4%) menderita hipertensi. Hipertensi didapatkan pada 13 dari 36 responden (36,1%) dengan kepribadian tipe A dan 9 dari 28 responden (32,1%) tanpa kepribadian tersebut. Pada usia dan jenis kelamin yang disetarakan, risiko hipertensi lebih besar secara bermakna 1,3 kali pada responden dengan kepribadian tipe A dibandingkan dengan mereka dengan kepribadian tipe non-A (PR = 1,3; nilai p = 0,003). Penambahan faktor-faktor risiko hipertensi yang lain melemahkan asosiasi, tetapi tidak mengubah kemaknaan statistik (PR = 1,2; nilai p = 0,04). Identifikasi tipe kepribadian disarankan sebagai bagian dari pencegahan hipertensi. Hypertension is one of the major diseases in Jakarta. The typical characteristics of type A personality include being busy, in hurry, impatient and irritable, were shown in some hypertensive patients. This cross-sectional study examined the relationhip between type A personality and hypertension. Sixty-four respondents (age > 30 years and were not on antihypertensive medication), were consecutively selected among patients attending Joglo-II Primary Health Center, between April 30 – May 5, 2012. Blood pressures were measured according to the standard protocol. Information on personality and other risk factors of hypertension were colected using interview- based questionnaires. Analyses were done using the general linear model at the significant level of 5%. Of 64 respondents, 36 respondents (56.3%) had type A personality and 22 respondents (34.4%) had hypertension. Hypertension were diagnosed in 13 (36.1%) out of 36 respondents with type-A personality and 9 (32.1%) out of 28 respondents with non-A type personality. Adjusted for age and sex, the risk of hypertension was 1.3 significantly higher in respondents who were type A personality than in those who were not (PR = 1,3; p value = 0.003). Further adjustment for other risk factors for hypertension attenuated the association, but remained significant (PR = 1,2; p vallue = 0,04). Identification of personality type is advisable as part of the efforts for preventing hypertension.


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