
Penarik becak dayung dan becak bermesin, pengatur lalu lintas, pedagang asongan, dan pedagang kaki lima banyak terpapar dengan polusi timbal dari udara ambien yang merupakan ancaman terhadap para pekerja pinggir jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan karakteristik responden dengan kadar timbal dalam darah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 109 orang terdiri dari 58 orang penarik becak dayung, 30 orang penarik becak bermesin dan 21 orang pedagang kaki lima yang ditarik secara consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi yang signifikan antara variabel usia, tekanan darah sistolik dan tekanan darah diastolik terhadap kadar timbal dalam darah (p>0,05). Rerata kadar timbal dalam darah berbeda bermakna menurut jenis kelamin (p=0,047) dan kebiasaan merokok (p=0,003). Rerata kadar timbal dalam darah berdasarkan jenis pekerjaan, lama bekerja, tingkat pendidikan, tempat beristirahat, lokasi tempat tinggal, kebiasaan minum susu, dan kebiasaan minum alkohol tidak ada perbedaan bermakna. Uji korelasi Pearson dan korelasi Spearman menemukan tidak ada korelasi antara variabel usia dan tekanan darah terhadap kadar timbal dalam darah (p>0,05). Paddle rickshaw puller, motorized rickshaw pullers, traffic police, street vendors and roadside vendors is that many workers are exposed to lead from ambient air pollution. Lead pollution is a threat to roadside workers. This study is observational. The purpose of the study was to determine the association between respondent characteristic with blood lead levels. The 109 samples in this study was the 58 paddle rickshaw puller, 30 motorized rickshaw pullers and 21 hawkers, drawn with consecutive sampling. The results showed that there were no significant correlation between age, blood pressure and blood lead level (p>0.005), there were differences in mean blood lead levels by sex (p = 0.047) and smoking (p = 0.003), there was no difference in mean blood lead levels based on the type of work, length of work, level of education, place of rest, the location shelter, drinking milk, and alcohol drinking habits. Pearson correlation test and Spearman correlation found no correlation between the variables of age, and blood pressure on blood lead levels (p> 0.05).


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