
Penyakit stroke merupakan penyebab kematian dan kecacatan kronik yang paling tinggi pada kelompok umur di atas usia 45 tahun terbanyak di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi determinan utama yang berhubungan dengan penyakit stroke pada masyarakat di kelurahan Kebon Kalapa Bogor. Analisis lanjut terhadap 1.912 responden subset baseline data penelitian “Studi Kohort Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular” Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara pada penduduk tetap di kelurahan Kebon Kalapa, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Bogor tahun 2012. Diagnosis stroke berdasarkan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan dokter spesialis syaraf. Variabel independen meliputi karakteristik sosiodemografi, status kesehatan dan perilaku berisiko. Data dianalisis dengan uji regresi logistik ganda. Penyakit stroke ditemukan pada 49 (2,6%) orang. Determinan utama stroke meliputi hipertensi (OR = 4,20; IK 95% = 2,20 – 8,03), penyakit jantung koroner (OR = 2,74; IK 95% = 1,51 – 4,99), diabetes melitus (OR = 2,89; IK 95% = 1,47 – 5,64), dan status ekonomi miskin (OR = 1,83 ; IK 95% = 1,03 – 3,33). Pencegahan penyakit stroke dilakukan dengan peningkatan edukasi (kampanye/penyuluhan) melalui pengendalian faktor risiko utama yaitu hipertensi dan pencegahan terjadinya penyakit degeneratif lain yaitu penyakit jantung koroner dan diabetes melitus.

Stroke disease is the leading cause of death and chronic disability in most over the age of 45 years in Indonesia. The aim of study was to identify the major determinants of stroke disease in Kebon Kalapa community in Bogor. A deep analyze was conducted in 1.912 respondents based on the subset of baseline data “Risk Factors Cohort Study of Non Communicable Diseases.” Data was collected by interviews on Kebon Kalapa community, Bogor in 2012. Stroke diagnosis was determined by anamnesis and neurological examination with specialist. Independent variables were sociodemographic characteristics, health status and risk behavior. Data analysis was performed by multiple logistic regression test. This study revealed that stroke disease was found in 49 people (2.6%). The main determinant of stroke included hypertension (OR = 4.20; 95% CI = 2.20 – 8.03), coronary heart disease (OR = 2.74; 95% CI = 1.51 – 4.99), diabetes mellitus (OR = 2.89; 95% CI = 1.47 – 5.64), and low economic status (OR = 1.83; 95% CI = 1.03 – 3.33). Prevention of stroke should be done by increasing education (campaign) through the control of major risk factors of hypertension and prevention of other degenerative diseases are coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus.

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