Kelahiran posyandu pada tahun 1980-an merupakan usaha pemerintah Indonesia untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat, mengikuti panggilan internasional, Deklarasi Alma Ata (Kazakhstan) tentang kesehatan masyarakat tahun 1978. Konsep kunci deklarasi tersebut adalah partisipasi masyarakat. Di Indonesia, partisipasi masyarakat disebut “gotong royong”. Masyarakat memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masing-masing. Untuk melibatkan masyarakat dalam kesehatan masyarakat, relawan harus direkrut dan dilatih untuk mengenal isu-isu kesehatan masyarakat dasar. Gagasan mengenai relawan yang disebut kader (village health worker) tersebut diajukan agar relawan sebagai bagian dari masyarakat dapat lebih mudah menyampaikan program-program kesehatan karena lebih dekat dibandingkan pejabat kesehatan masyarakat. Di dalam artikel ini dibahas tentang Posyandu yang pada dasarnya merupakan pendekatan sosiokultural dalam pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia.
The birth of Integrated services post (Posyandu) in 1980s is no doubt based on the effort of the Goverment of Indonesia to improve the health status of the population following the International call the Declaration of Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) about Primary Health Care in 1978. The key concept of the declaration is community participation. In Indonesia specifically the community participation is called “gotong royong”. Community plays an important role in the improvement of their own health. To involve community in the health care, the volunteer has to be recruited and trained to recognize basic health care issues. The idea is that the volunteers that called village health worker (kader) as part of the community would be much easier to deliver health programs because they are closer to them compare to the public health officials. This paper is intended to discuss Posyandu which is basically a sociocultural approach for primary health care as a strategy to improve the health status of Indonesian people.
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Recommended Citation
Soedirham O .
Integrated Services Post (Posyandu) as Sociocultural Approach for Primary Health Care Issue.
DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v7i5.40
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