
Sejak tahun 2000 pos pelayanan terpadu (posyandu) telah berkembang baik, tetapi kekurangan dana dan pelatihan mengalami penurunan kinerja akibat krisis ekonomi. Hal tersebut terlihat pada penurunan kunjungan dan drop out kader yang menghadapi banyak tugas, besar cakupan, dan kurang mampu merespon tuntutan masyarakat. Pedoman World Health Organization (WHO) terakhir menyatakan bahwa untuk menjamin keberlanjutan program jangka panjang, kader perlu dibayar. Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara memberikan insentif kader terbesar di Indonesia. Studi inimengkaji peningkatan kinerja kader posyandu di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara pada tahun 2010 akibat pemberian insentif uang tunai. Penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan rancangan fenomenologi ini menghimpun data 18 orang meliputi 15 orang dari instansi pemerintah dan 3 orang kader. Studi dengan metode analisis isi ini menemukan bahwa pemerintah memberikan uang sebagai insentif bagi kader menyebabkan kader bersemangat dalam bekerja dan berkompetisi. Pemerintah terlihat sangat berperan meningkatkan kinerja kader, tetapi masyarakat masih kurangberperan. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa insentif uang tunai dapat meningkatkan kinerja kader posyandu.

Since 2000 Posyandu has grown well, but its performance was declining as indicated by the decreasing of visitors as well as the cadres because economic crisis. The problems within the cadres include excess workload and area to be covered and lack of capability to respond to the community demand.The latest guidelines of World Health Organization (WHO) identified that cadres incentive is needed for the long term sustainability. Penajam Paser Utara which gave the highest incentive in Indonesia for its cadres. This study was aimed to explore in depth the Penajam Paser Utara cadres performance improvement in 2010 in relation to financial incentives. This isa qualitative study using phenomenologic design. Informants were 18 persons origined from the government office and 3 cadres. Data were obtained through indepth interview and analysis using content analysis. The result showed that the government provided financial incentive for cadres recognition and posyandu revitalization. Financial incentive was found motivated the cadres to work and enhance their competence. Although the government had played role in improving cadres performance, yet the community still had limited participation. It could be concluded that financial incentive could improve performance of posyandu cadres.


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