
Demam berdarah merupakan salah satu masalah utama kesehatan di Indonesia. Karena penyakit ini disebarkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti, berbagai cara telah dilakukan untuk memutus rantai pejamu, agen, dan lingkungan, termasuk mencegah kontak manusia dengan vektor dengan menggunakan bermacam-macam pengusir serangga. Uji ini membandingkan waktu proteksi N,N-diethyl-3-metatoluamide (DEET) dengan waktu proteksi minyak sitronella yang terkandungkan dalam tisu basah terhadap Aedes aegypti. Untuk uji ini, dibuat larutan 12,5% DEET dalam etanol dan larutan 20% minyak sitronella. Sejumlah tisu kering dicelupkan ke dalam masing-masing larutan ini, ditiriskan dalam udara terbuka, kemudian dibungkus dengan lembaran aluminium dan disimpan selama satu hari dan satu minggu. Sementara itu, sejumlah nyamuk Aedes aegypti betina yang bebas penyakit ditempatkan dalam sangkar. Tisu basah yang telah disimpan selama satu hari dan satu minggu diusapkan pada bagian tangan (dari sikut sampai pergelangan tangan) relawan, kemudian tangan yang telah diusap itu dimasukkan ke dalam sangkar nyamuk dalam tiga replikasi uji (25 ekor nyamuk per sangkar). Waktu antara pemasukan tangan sampai dengan gigitan nyamuk pertama dinyatakan sebagai waktu usir tisu basah. Ditemukan bahwa waktu usir rata-rata tisu basah 12,5% DEET dan 20% minyak sitronella yang disimpan satu hari masing-masing 4 jam 26 menit dan 14,24 menit, sedangkan untuk tisu basah yang disimpan satu minggu masing-masing 4 jam 6 menit dan 12, 57 menit. Uji Post Hoc menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan tisu basah satu hari dan satu minggu tidak berbeda secara bermakna (p = 0,524 untuk DEET dan p = 0,681 untuk minyak sitronella).

Dengue hemorrhagic fever has been one of the major health problems in Indonesia. As the disease spreads out by Aedes aegypti, a variety of ways has been conducted to disconnect host, agent, and the environment chain including prevention of human contact w ith the vector using by various repellents. The present test compared the complete protection time of N,N-diethyl- 3-metatoluamide (DEET) and citronella oil impregnated in wet tissue against Aedes aegypti. For this test, an ethanol-based 12.5% DEET and 20% citronella oil were prepared, into which dry tissue papers were immersed, drain in open air, and then stored in aluminum foil packs for one day and one week. Meanwhile, a number of disease-free adult female Aedes aegypti were placed in mosquito cages. The prepared one-day and oneweek stored wet tissues were used to swab volunteer adult human hands (from elbow to wrist) which were then inserted into the mosquito cage in three replicates (25 mosquitoes each cage). Elapsed time from first hand insertion to the first mosquito bite was calculated and expressed as repellency time of the impregnated repellent. It was found that the average repellency times of one-day stored 12.5% DEET and 20% citronella oil wet tissues were 4 hour 26 minutes and 14.24 minutes, respectively, while for oneweek stored were 4 hour 6 minutes and 12.57 minutes, respectively. Post Hoc test showed that the repellency time difference between one-day and one-week storage was not statistically significance (p = 0.524 for DEET and p = 0.681 for citronella oil).


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