
Kanker ovarium merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian wanita. Dalam kasus kanker, jumlah serum albumin adalah indikator prognostik bertahan hidup yang penting, sementara probabilitas global pasien kanker ovarium dengan serum albumin ³ 3,6 g/dL dan ² 3,5 g/dL untuk bertahan hidup lima tahun masing-masing 23% and 10%. Namun di Indonesia, ketahanan hidup pasien-pasien kanker ovarium epithelial belum diteliti secara intensif. Penelitian yang dilaporkan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan probabilitas ketahanan hidup pasien-pasien kanker ovarium epithelial menurut tingkat serum albumin tertentu. Dengan menggunakan rancangan studi kohort retrospektif dan analisis ketahanan hidup, 48 orang pasien Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta diamati sejak pertama kali mereka didiagnosis kanker ovarium epithelial sampai sembuh, meninggal atau tidak dapat ditindaklanjuti lagi. Ditemukan bahwa selama tahun 1996-2004, secara umum probabilitas pasien dengan bertahan hidup lima tahun adalah 26,2%. Secara spesifik, probabilitas pasien dengan serum albumin ³ 3,6 mg/dL dan < 3,6 mg/dL untuk bertahan hidup lima tahun masing-masing 36,1% dan 15,7%. Jika dikontrol dengan stadium kanker, kadar asite dan hemoglobin, risiko mati pasien karena kanker ovarium epithelial dengan kadar serum albumin < 3,6 mg/dL ternyata 2,077 kali lipat daripada pasien dengan serum albumin ³ 3,6 mg/dL. Disimpulkan bahwa di Indonesia ketahanan hidup lima tahun pasien-pasien kanker ovarium epithelial lebih tinggi daripada tingkat global.

Ovarian cancer is one of the largest causes of death in women. In cancer, albumin serum level is an important prognostic indicator of survival, whereas globally the probability of ovarian cancer patient with serum albumin ³ 3,6 g/dL and ² 3,5 g/dL to survive for five years is 23% and 10%, respectively. In Indonesia, however, the survival of epithelial ovarian cancer patient with respect to serum albumin level has not been investigated intensively. The present study was to determine the probability of epithelial ovarian cancer patients to survive for five years at particular level of serum albumin. Using retrospective cohort design with survival analysis, 48 patients of the Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta were observed from the time when the epithelial ovarian cancer was first diagnosed until they were cured, death, or lost to follow up. The results showed that during 1996-2004 the overall probability of five-year survival was 26,2%. Specifically, the probability of patients to survive for five years at serum albumin level ³ 3,6 mg/dL and < 3,6 mg/dL was 36,1% and 15,7%, respectively. When the cancer stages, ascites, and hemoglobin level were controlled, risk of death from epithelial ovarian cancer of the patients with an albumin level of < 3,6 mg/dL was 2,077 fold higher than those with an albumin level of ³ 3,6 mg/dL. It is concluded that in Indonesia the five-year survival probability of epithelial ovarian cancer patients is higher than that the global rate.


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