Wanita bermukim di daerah pertanian berisiko terpajan pestisida yang dapat berakibat hipotiroidisme yang pada kehamilan dapat menyebabkan gangguan tumbuh-kembang janin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui angka kejadian keracunan pestisida dan hipotiroidisme pada wanita usia subur di daerah pertanian. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian cross-sectional dan 26 WUS terpilih sebagai subjek secara acak. Semua subjek dilakukan pengukuran kadar TSH, fT4 dan enzim kolinesterase, sementara kadar T3, UEI, dan Pb darah diukur pada sub-sampel. Penderita dinyatakan keracunan pestisida apabila ditemukan kadar enzim kolinesterase 4,5 μIU/L. Penelitian ini menemukan rerata kadar kolinesterase adalah 7,26 (±1,28) dengan kisaran nilai 5,33-9,39 μg/L; rerata kadar TSH adalah 5,09 (±6,14), dengan kisaran nilai 0,47-31,73μIU/L; rerata kadar fT4 adalah 15,18 (±2,09), dengan kisaran nilai 8,73-18,87 pmol/L; rerata kadar T3 adalah 1,75 (±0,51), dengan kisaran nilai 1,24-2,95 pmol/L. Prevalensi keracunan pestisida pada WUS 0,0% dan prevalensi hipotiroidisme 46,2%.
Women lived in agricultural areas are risk to suffer various disorders due to pesticides exposure such as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism causes growth and development disorders of fetus. The aim of the study is to find out the prevalence of pesticide poisoning and hypothyroidism in women of childbearing age in agricultural areas. Cross-sectional study was conducted and 26 women of childbearing age were selected randomly. TSH, fT4 and cholinesterase enzyme levels were measured in all subjects, while levels of T3, UEI and blood Pb were measured in the sub-sample. Pesticide poisoning is determined if the levels of enzymes cholinesterase 4.5 μIU/L. This study showed that mean of cholinesterase levels was 7.26 (± 1.28), range of values 5.33-9.39 μg/L; mean of TSH levels was 5.09 (± 6.14), range of values 0.47-31.73 μIU/L; mean of fT4 level was 15.18 (± 2.09), range of values 8.73-18.87 pmol/L; mean of T3 levels was 1.75 (±0.51), range of values 1.24-2.95 pmol/L. The prevalence of pesticide poisoning in childbearing women was 0.0% and prevalence of hypothyroidism was 46.2%.
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Recommended Citation
Suhartono S , Dharminto D .
Keracunan Pestisida dan Hipotiroidisme pada Wanita Usia Subur di Daerah Pertanian.
DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v4i5.172
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