
Di Kota Depok masyarakat muslim yang menjadi komunitas terbesar (91,94%) merupakan pasar potensial rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapat gambaran potensi pasar dan atribut pelayanan rumah sakit yang diharapkan masyarakat muslim. Penelitian yang menggunakan model SERVQUAL ini dimodifikasi dengan 4 karakteristik syariah marketing dan dikelompokkan dalam people, place, symbols, equipment, dan price. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode survey self administered questionaire. Sampel berjumlah 120 diambil dari pasien yang berobat di rumah sakit di Kota Depok. Selain itu, dilakukan studi kualitatif dengan metode indepth interview kepada pakar terkait. Atribut pelayanan rumah sakit Islam pilihan responden yang bersifat universal berupa bentuk pelayanan yang diinginkan. Atribut spesifik tersebut meliputi cara berpakaian, tata ruang, petunjuk arah kiblat, petunjuk dan perlengkapan wudhu pasien, disain interior Islami, mushola di setiap lantai. Atribut fasilitas berupa bimbingan pasien kritis dan bimbingan ruhani. Atribut tarif meliputi komitmen melayani pasien tak mampu, pelayanan tidak terpengaruh tarif kelas dan tidak sepenuhnya profit oriented. Dari hasil indeph interview pakar diformulasikan atribut pelayanan rumah sakit Islam yang bersifat universal dan spesifik. Atribut pelayanan spesifik meliputi aspek fisik, aspek SDM, dan aspek fasilitas. Atribut pembiayaan yang tidak ada pembedaan tarif, tidak menerapkan uang muka. Atribut prosedur pelayanan medis berupa pelayanan bersalin dengan konsep pure gender dan adanya standar operasional prosedur yang memperhatikan aspek layanan gender. Manajemen rumah sakit Islam perlu mempertimbangkan potensi pasar dan merealisasikan atribut universal dan spesifik.

Muslim community as the largest population in Indonesia as well as in the city of Depok with the percentage of 91.94%, has been considered as prospective market for Islamic-based business including hospital business. The objective of this study is to investigate the market potential and the service attributes of the Islamic hospitals. The design of study is analytic descriptive with quantitative approach using survey method through self administered questionnaires. The number of samples was 120 taken from the patients nursed in the hospitals in Depok. Qualitative approach was conducted using in-depth interview of related experts. The attributes of service of Islamic hospitals selected by the respondents were universal and specific. The universal attributes were the service models. The specific attribute which indicated Islamic services physically comprised of : Muslim costumes, availability of sign of the direction of kiblah, Islamic interior design, and availability of prayer room. The attributes of facilities including guide for critical patients by particular staff, and costumes for prayer for serious patients, and religious guide for the patients and their family. The attributes of price were to serve poor patients, the services are not influenced by the class tariff and not fully profit-oriented. The specific attributes of service including physical aspects, facility aspects, and human resources aspect. The attributes of costing comprise of: the absence of tariff differences, there is no deposit. The attributes of medical services consist of purely gender-based maternity services, and the existence standard operation procedures which considers the aspects gender-based services. The management of Islamic hospitals should consider their market potencies and implement the universal and specific attributes to enable them to perform Islamic high-quality services.


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