Di Indonesia penyakit cacingan tersebar luas di pedesaan dan di perkotaan dengan prevalensi semua umur 40%-60% dan murid SD 60-80%. Survei Depkes RI di 10 propinsi di Indonesia menemukan prevalensi kecacingan di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan tahun 2003 (85, 8%) dan tahun 2005 (51,4% ) lebih tinggi dari kabupaten lain. Angka infeksi kecacingan tinggi dipengaruhi oleh kebersihan diri, sanitasi lingkungan dan kebiasaan penduduk. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku cuci tangan dengan kejadian kecacingan pada murid SD Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional ini menggunakan data sekunder hasil survei kecacingan Depkes RI tahun 2005, jumlah sampel 257 orang. Diagnosis penyakit kecacingan ditegakkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan telur cacing pada tinja dengan metode Katto-Katz. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perilaku cuci tangan memakai air dan sabun sebelum makan terbukti berhubungan bermakna dengan kejadian kecacingan (OR=2,35, 95% CI=1,40-3,94), variabel lain yang berhubungan bermakna adalah perilaku BAB tidak dijamban dengan nilai OR = 2,64 (95%CI=1,46-4,77) dan perilaku jajan bukan di warung sekolah (OR =1,96 (95% CI=1,06-3,65). Murid SD dan masyarakat disarankan mencuci tangan sebelum makan dengan air dan sabun. Di samping pengobatan, perlu dilakukan penyuluhan kesehatan dan peningkatan PHBS pada murid dengan pemeriksaan berkala perilaku dan kebersihan diri di sekolah.
In Indonesia, helminth infection spread out at rural and urban community with prevalence at elementary school of 60% - 80% and for all age of 40%-60%. Helminths prevalence in Pesisir Selatan district is higher than that of other districts which was 85, 8 % on 2003 and 51,4 on 2005. Helmints infection depends on personal hygiene, environmental sanitation and residential habit. The objective of the this study is to know relationship between hand washing behaviour before eating with helminths occurrence among elementary school students in Pesisir Selatan. This research uses cross sectional design, using secondary data of helminths survey of Ministry of Health RI on 2005, with total sample of 257 students. Helminths disease diagnosis was based on laboratory examination of helminth eggs in human feces using Katto-Katz methods. Research’s results showing that hand washing behaviour before eating is related to helminths occurrence (OR= 2,35, 95% CI = 1,40-3,94), other variables with statistically significant relationship to helminths occurrence is defecation behavior not at the toilet (OR = 2,64; (95% CI OR =1,46-4,77) and eating snacks in small shop at school (OR= 1,96 ;95% CI=1,06-3,65). It is recommended to elementary school student and society to familiarize to hand washing before eating with water and soap. In order to prevent and eradicate helminths disease, beside curative effort, there is a need to do health counseling about healthy and clean living (PHBS), undertaking periodical evaluation on behaviour and personal hygiene of student at school.
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Umar Z .
Perilaku Cuci Tangan Sebelum Makan dan Kecacingan pada Murid SD di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Sumatera Barat.
DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v2i6.244
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