Pencapaian Program KB di Sumatera Utara kurang menggembirakan. Total Fertility Rate Sumatera Utara (3,0) lebih tinggi dibandingkan nasional (2,6); dan prevalensi kontrasepsi (55,9 %) lebih rendah dibandingkan nasional (61,9%). Sebagai salah satu strategi peningkatan kesertaan KB, pelayanan momentum sterilisasi pria dikhawatirkan tidak memenuhi standar pelayanan karena dikaitkan dengan rekor MURI. Evaluasi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kualitas pelaksanaan pelayanan dan kepuasan akseptor sterilisasi pria. Evaluasi bersifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif dilakukan secara potong lintang terhadap petugas KB, calon akseptor dan akseptor yang mendapat tindakan sterilisasi pada pelayanan momentum di 13 fasilitas kesehatan di Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara pada 23-24 Oktober 2012. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap pengelola KB kecamatan dan desa. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan provider di tempat pelayanan dengan menggunakan angket mengenai calon akseptor, dan kuesioner berstruktur terhadap sub sampel akseptor sterilisasi pria. Hasil menunjukkan relatif lancar persiapan, penggerakan, KIE, pelayanan sterilisasi pria dan pencatatan pelaporannya. Pelaksanaan pelayanan sterilisasi pria berhasil melayanai 1379 dari target 2001 target calon akseptor, sehingga mendapatkan REKOR MURI. Hampir semua peserta sterilisasi pria merasa puas terhadap pelayanan dari petugas medis dan petugas KB. Family Planning (FP) program achievement in North Sumatera Province is less encouraging. Total fertility rate in North Sumatera (3.0) is higher than the national (2.6) and contraceptive prevalence (55.9%) is lower than the national (61.4%). As one strategy to increase FP participation, momentum sterilization service was feared not to meet the medical care standard because related to Indonesian Record Museum. This evaluation aimed to explain service quality and satisfaction among male sterilization acceptors. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation were done cross sectionally against FP officers, prospectives and acceptors who received medical procedure during momentum service performed in 13 health facilities in Medan City, North Sumatera on October 23 to 24, 2012. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interview towards subdistrict and village FP managers. Quantitative data regarding prospective acceptors and a structured questionnaire to subsample of male sterilization acceptors were collected by the provider at the service location. Results showed the relatively smooth preparation, mobilization, Information, Education and Communication, male sterilization services and its reporting records. Implementation of male sterilization service had served 1379 of 2001 prospective acceptors targetted, so the national record was achieved. Almost all respondents were satisfied with the services provided both by FP and medical officers.
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Recommended Citation
Winarni E , Dawam M .
Evaluation of Momentum Male Sterilization Service Effectiveness as an Attempt to Reach MURI Record.
DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v11i3.800
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