
Banyak pimpinan organisasi nirlaba kehabisan tenaga dan waktu melakukan manajemen operasional. Mereka tidak sempat berpikir strategis mengembangkan masa depan organisasi dan memberikan pelayanan bermutu yang memuaskan pelanggan. Manajemen strategis yang merupakan proses mengembangkan tujuan, rencana strategis, dan alokasi sumber daya mencakup analisis strategi, formulasi strategi, implementasi strategi, dan evaluasi strategi. Analisis stategi mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan internal jang terkait sumber daya, struktur organisasi, strategi dan kinerja program, serta peluang dan ancaman eksternal yang terkait faktor politik, ekonomi, sosial dan teknologi. Selanjutnya, formulasi strategi adalah proses menyiapkan rencana strategis: mengembangkan nilai, misi, visi, gol, tujuan, identifikasi isu strategis dan memilih strategi pencapaian tujuan. Strategi yang sesuai dengan struktur organisasi, budaya, kepemimpinan, alokasi sumber daya, komunikasi, hambatan internal dan eksternal, diharapkan akan mempermudah implementasi. Monitoring yang mempelajari kemajuan dan evaluasi yang mempelajari pencapaian tujuan program merupakan bagian penting upaya pencapaian tujuan. Proses manajemen strategis menghasilkan pedoman yang diperlukan untuk menghadapi perubahan internal dan eksternal dengan menggunakan bisnis metoda baru, menerapkan praktik yang terbaik dan memelihara fleksibilitas. Melalui manajemen strategis pimpinan mampu mengembangkan nilai, misi, visi dan strategi untuk menghasilkan pelayanan unggulan secara efektif dan efisien.

In not for profit organizations, many of the organizations’ managers and executive officers spend energy and time to work more on operational management. They do not have enough time to deal with organizations’ future development. A strategic management is a process of developing an organization’s objectives, strategic plan, and allocating resources to implement the plan. Basically a strategic management covers strategy analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. A strategy analysis is to provide information on strengths and weaknesses of internal organization factors: human resources, organization structure, program performance; and information on opportunities and threats of external organization factors, politic, economy, social, and technology. A strategy formulation is a process of developing strategic plan including organization value, mission, vision, goal, strategic objectives, strategic issues, and strategy. A strategy implementation involves with the organization structure, value, operational activities, leadership, resource allocation, and communication. Strategy evaluation includes monitoring and evaluation activities to identify progress of the program implementation and to identify program achievement and its performance. A strategic management process provides a guide for addressing internal and external organizational challenges and changes using a new bussiness method and approach for practical application and maintaining flexibilities. Through a strategic management, the managers and executives will be able to provide better quality of services effecively and efficienly.


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