

Globalization, which has contributed to the proliferation of international buying and selling activities, necessitates legal unification to overcome differences in the rules for buying and selling contracts enshrined in national law. Using normative legal research methods and focusing on aspects of the parties' obligations in international sales and purchase contracts, this paper compares the rules contained in Indonesia's Civil Code (KUHPerdata) and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The case of a sales-purchase contract dispute between a British company group and a Danish trading company was also investigated in order to gain a better understanding of the more specific regulatory aspects of product sales-purchase contracts involving conformity of goods. The main distinction between the CISG and the Civil Code is the approach taken when non-conformance of goods is discovered. The comparison of the rules and analysis shows that there are insufficient reasons for Indonesia to adopt the CISG. The provisions of the Civil Code address aspects that ensure the suitability of the goods in the sale and purchase agreement, as well as providing adequate guarantees for the parties' rights and obligations. The Civil Code also provides benefits that the CISG does not, such as those related to sale and purchase deeds, interest, and other additional fees. The Civil Code more fully regulates the seller's statement regarding his contractual obligations. Aside from that, there are recommendations for the development of Indonesian law to formulate provisions regarding criteria for non-conforming goods, as well as alternative efforts for the parties regarding the non-conformity of the goods discovered.

Bahasa Abstract

Globalisasi yang turut mendorong maraknya aktivitas jual-beli di tingkat internasional, menuntut dilakukannya unifikasi hukum guna mengatasi perbedaan aturan kontrak jual-beli yang terdapat pada masing-masing hukum nasional. Berfokus pada aspek kewajiban para pihak dalam kontrak jual beli internasional, tulisan ini melakukan komparasi aturan yang terdapat pada KUHPerdata Indonesia dan CISG. Kasus sengketa kontrak jual beli antara grup perusahaan Inggris dan kongsi dagang Denmark turut dikaji guna mendapatkan pemahaman khusus mengenai aspek pengaturan yang lebih spesifik dalam kontrak jual beli produk yang berhubungan dengan kesesuaian barang (conformity of goods). Beberapa hal penting telah dicatat bersama kesimpulan yang mendukung argumen pokok, bahwa belum cukup alasan bagi Indonesia untuk menerima CISG. Bahwa, ketentuan dalam KUHPerdata sudah memberikan jaminan yang baik terhadap hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam sebuah perikatan jual-beli. Sekiranya dibutuhkan, beberapa ketentuan CISG yang belum diatur dalam KUHPerdata dapat diadopsi untuk memperkaya khasanah dan demi pembangunan hukum nasional yang lebih baik.



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Putusan Pengadilan

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Peraturan Perundangundangan dan Konvensi

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Sumber Lainnya

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Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Digital Versi 0.4.0 Beta, Badan Pengembangan Bahasa dan Perbukuan (2016-2020).



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