

Since the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy, there has been an increase in the median survival of chronic myeloid leukemia. Nevertheless, nowadays there were several cases of chronic myeloid leukemia that are resistant to the first-line TKIs, so that several second-line TKIs were introduced. Assessment of the therapeutic response was performed using a complete peripheral blood examination, bone marrow aspiration cytogenetic examination, and quantitative BCR-ABL examination. The treatment failure criteria were applied based on the ELN criteria. In selecting the second line TKI should be based on the results of mutation analysis and consider the safety profile of the second line therapy. This paper will discuss the recommendations for second-line therapy TKI, adjusted to the resources in Indonesia.

Bahasa Abstract

Sejak era terapi tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), telah terjadi peningkatan median kesintasan hidup pasien leukemia granulositik kronik fase kronik. Seiring berjalannya waktu, para ahli mendapatkan kejadian resistansi pemberian TKI lini pertama, sehingga mulai muncul berbagai TKI lini kedua. Penilaian respons terapi dilakukan dengan menggunakan penilaian respons hematologi, sitogenetika, dan molekular berdasarkan kriteria European Leukemia Net (ELN). Pemilihan TKI lini kedua seyogyanya berdasarkan pertimbangan profil keamanan TKI lini kedua dan hasil analisis mutasi. Pada tulisan ini, dibahas mengenai rekomendasi terapi lini kedua disesuaikan dengan kondisi di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Imatinib, leukemia granulositik kronik, tyrosine kinase inhibitor



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