
Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

Section Policies


(√) Open Submission

(√) Indexed

( ) Peer Reviewe

Original Article

(√) Open Submissions

(√) Indexed

(√) Peer Reviewed

Evidence-Based Case Report

(√) Open Submissions

(√) Indexed

(√) Peer Reviewed

Case Report

(√) Open Submissions

(√) Indexed

(√) Peer Reviewed

Review Article

(√) Open Submissions

(√) Indexed

(√) Peer Reviewed

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Peer Review Process

Each submitted manuscript is first reviewed by an editor, whether it is suitable with the journal’s focus and scope or has a major methodological flaw. Editor also conduct plagiarism checks as part of the review process. After passing this initial step, each submitted manuscript is then assigned to at least two reviewers, selected based on their expertise in the subject area of the manuscript for further review. This journal uses double-blind review, the manuscript will be sent to the reviewer anonymously. The reviewers’ comments are also sent to author/s anonymously. After the review process, the suggestions provided by the reviewers (and editor) will be conveyed to the corresponding author for necessary actions and responses.

The revised manuscript will then be reviewed during an editorial board meeting, where the final decision will be reached and then conveyed to the corresponding author.

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Open Access Policy

Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia is open access to support the development of science globally.

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Publication Frequency

This journal is published quarterly in a year (March, June, September, December).

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Authorship and Plagiarism

Article authorship is limited to individuals who have made substantial contributions, including: (a) conceptualization, design, data analysis, and interpretation; (b) drafting or critically revising the article; (c) granting final approval for publication; (d) ensuring accuracy and integrity through thorough investigation and resolution of questions. Submission to Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia indicates all listed authors' agreement with the article. The corresponding author oversees communication and manages post-submission changes to the author list. Any alterations require a signed letter from all original authors, scanned and emailed to redaksi.jurnalpenyakitdalam@ui.ac.id. In multi-group collaborations, the editors assume that one member from each collaboration, usually the most senior member of each submitting group, has accepted responsibility for their team's contributions to the article.

The corresponding author must ensure that:

  1. The article is original and free from fraud, fabrication, or plagiarism.
  2. The article has not been previously published or under consideration elsewhere. If accepted, it will not be submitted elsewhere.
  3. The article does not contain defamatory or unlawful statements, nor infringe upon privacy, proprietary rights, or copyright.
  4. Written permission is obtained for any excerpts from copyrighted works, with proper source crediting.
  5. All authors have significantly contributed to the study, including conception, design, analysis, and writing.
  6. All authors have reviewed the manuscript, take responsibility for its content, and approve its publication.
  7. All authors are aware of and agree to the terms of the publishing agreement.

Every article submitted to Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia is screened by iThenticate.

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