Publication Ethics
Scientific publication entails disseminating the findings from individuals or groups following scientific study. Therefore, it is crucial to establish ethical standards of conduct for all parties involved in the publication process, specifically: the authors, editors, peer-reviewers, publishers, and the public (research subjects).
The Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, as the publisher of the Indonesian Internal Medicine Journal (Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia/JPDI), carries out the task of overseeing all stages of publication scrupulously, including ethics and other responsibilities.
Editorial Code of Ethics
The JPDI’s editors determine the publication process, including the obligations and functions of authors, peer reviewers, and journal managers to publish papers based on scientific and ethical principles. The editors work based on the following ethical principles and standards.
- Coordinate all journal publication activities.
- Responsible for choosing journal content and striving to improve the quality of publications.
- Obliged to make manuscript guidelines for authors.
- Assess the completeness of the content and the anatomy of the initial manuscript critically that the work is written and ensures that the manuscript is free from violations of research ethics.
- Ensure that qualified reviewers have reviewed all published papers.
- Guarantee the eligibility of the peer reviewers selected according to their competence and do not have a conflict of interest.
- Reject manuscript without going through a review process if it does not fit the journal's scope or is of low quality (regardless of the background of the author and/or affiliated institutions).
- Ensuring that published research complies with the guidelines for the scientific publication code of ethics issued by LIPI and relevant guidelines.
- Provide a filling form for the author to sign regarding a statement of willingness to publish in the Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine and a statement that the manuscript has never been published in a journal or other publication, which may cause plagiarism.
Peer Reviewer Code of Ethics
Peer reviewers assist the editor in critically examining the manuscript's substance according to their expertise. Peer reviewers work based on the following ethical principles and standards.
- Prioritizing an honest, objective, unbiased, independent attitude, and only in favor of scientific truth.
- Be critical in assessing the contents of the manuscript following the field of expertise, be open about new things, do not take personal advantage of the manuscript being evaluated, and have the enthusiasm to improve the manuscript that has been studied.
- Assist the editor in determining which manuscripts can be published and assist authors in improving the quality of their manuscript.
- Adhere to basic principles and scientific analysis in reviewing a written work.
- Delivering the review results honestly, objectively, and supported by clear arguments, as well as providing recommendations for the results review in the form of:
- accepted with minor (or no) revisions
- accepted with major revisions
- rejected
- Do not use the reviewed manuscript for personal or third-party interests. The use of some of the contents of the paper under review has published permission from the author.
Author's Code of Ethics
In this case, the author expresses the results of his thoughts, research and/or development in a manuscript that meets the requirements of scientific and ethical principles. The author works based on the requirements of scientific rules and ethical standards.
- Make and sign a statement that the manuscript submitted for publication is original, has never been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of being submitted to another journal. If there are errors in the written work, the author immediately notifies the editor or publisher.
- Ensure that the names and order of the authors are by order of their contributions and are approved by all members.
- Present an accurate report on the results of the research that has been carried out and convey the purpose and significance of the research in the manuscript, as well as contain sufficient details and references.
- Inform the editor if the author will withdraw his written work.
- Inform the editor about papers part of a phased and/or multidisciplinary research.
- If necessary, the authors provide evidence that the research has met research ethics requirements.
- Include in the manuscript if the research involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment at high risk in their use.
- Ensuring that the written manuscript is entirely original. If the authors use other people's work and/or sentences, then the authors must use the citation correctly.