Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2024)
New Year New Issue
Dearly respected readers and authors,
We are very happy to publish a new issue in 2024.
We are very thankful for the authors who contributed to our journal, the reviewers who carefully selected the best manuscript, and the readers who are always with us as our loyal readers.
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings
Dr. Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah
Study on Human Integrity Management System Maturity Level for Supporting Asset Integrity and Process Safety Implementation
Anggiat M. Sihotang, Dedi Priadi, and Datu Rizal Asral
Analysis of the Effect of Different Surface Preparation Methods on Corrosion Resistance and Adhesion Strength of ASTM A36 Steel Substrate with Surface Tolerant Epoxy Paint as Coating Material
Irwan Wijaya Santoso, Daffa Aqila, Rini Riastuti, and Rizal Tresna Ramadhani
Fitness for Service (FFS) and Fatigue Assessment for Shell Distorted Steel Storage Tank Based on API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
Wira Herucakra Sr. Structure Engineer, Luh Putri Adnyani, IC Farid Hadi Prasetyo, and Alviani Rahma Rizkhita
Development of 485 MPa Class High Strength Low Alloy Steel for Power Plant Infrastructures
Agung Baskoro and Rini Riastuti
Effects of Ti Addition on the Characteristics of Al-10Zn-6Mg-2Si/ZrO2 Composites Produced by Squeeze Casting
Qesha Diva Prameshvara, Pipin Indah Lestari, and Bondan Tiara Sofyan
Integration of the Ashby Technique and Pahl-Beitz Quantitative Ranking for Railway Axle Material Selection
Helya Chafshoh Nafisah, Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah, and Siti Norasmah Surip