Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings
Volume 1, Issue 3 (2022) Special Issue: IMAMM 2020 1st edition
Special Issue: IMAMM 2020 1st edition
Dear respected JMEF readers,
This is a special issue to accommodate the manuscript on IMAMM 2020, which was held on 16th – 17th November 2020. The conferences brought the opportunity to meet together all researchers, scientists, scholars, industry representatives, postdoctoral fellows, and students around the world to share their knowledge and research expertise, to discuss the area of materials and the development of materials technology, as well as creating a prospective collaboration and networking on various areas of materials science and technology. Both i-MAMM 2020 and SENAMM XIII aimed to generate new investigations and collaboration between all components in this field for future research and projects. I hope this special issue adds some insight into materials discovery and exploration.
The Effect of Graphite and Activated Carbon as Dispersed Particle in Base Fluid as Quench Medium on the Hardness of S45C Carbon Steel
Wahyuaji Narottama Putra, Danika Aprilia Somadinata, and Ghiska Ramahdita
Development of Battery Materials to Function as Corrosion Protection on Car Body Plates
Tubagus Noor Rohmannudin, Sulistijono Sulistijono, Noval Adrinanda, Faridz Wira Dharma, and Samuel Areliano
Effect of Austenization and Repeated Quenching on The Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Wear-Resistant Steel
Yanuar Nugraha and Myrna Ariati Mochtar
Potential of Biduri Fiber (Calotropis gigantea) as Material for Oil Spill Absorbent
Anne Sukmawati and Wulan Septiani
Freespan Analysis for Subsea Pipeline Integrity Management Strategy
Nurul Hadi, Muhammad Helmi, Edo Cathaputra, Dedi Priadi, and Donanta Dhaneswara
Structural Integrity Analysis of the Rig Mast Following Repair of Two Diagonal Braces in the Upper Mast Section
Rendhatya Padmodwiputra, Johny Wahyuadi Soedarsono, Mirza Mahendra, Bambang Eka Satria, Chandra Arif, and Eka Juni Suarthana