


This article deals with the intertwine between street art and the practice of democracy in post-Soeharto Indonesia. It attempts to investigate the role of street art in the contemporary political landscape of Indonesia, especially two decades after the reformasi (reformation) movement. Reformasi, which was marked by the collapse of the New Order regime in 1998, is regarded as a turning point in Indonesia's democracy after 32 years of authoritarian government. Street art took a crucial part in that historic moment as a medium of protest. This study shows cases of the Anti-Tank Project, one of Yogyakarta’s street artists, posters with four prominent issues: human rights, gentrification, rotten politicians, and anti-corruption, which are pivotal issues in strengthening the democracy agenda in Indonesia. I argue Anti-Tank Project has a significant role in the production of a new space of democracy through his works. This article investigates 12 Anti-Tank posters by employing the Peircean semiotic perspective and analyzes them through theoretical and conceptual approaches, namely democracy and participation, relational aesthetics, new social movement, and alternative media.


Ahmada, S.F. (2021). Warga berdaya sebagai subpolitik dan kampanye Jogja Asat: Penolakan pembangunan hotel dan apartemen di Yogyakarta. Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, 9(1), 85-98. https://doi.org/10.14710/jpk.9.1.85-98

Alexiou, C. (2017). The conceptual notion of “the streets” in graffiti and street art: A search for its role, meaning and characteristics in the city of Utrecht [Thesis, University of of Utrecht. https://studenttheses.uu.nl/handle/20.500.12932/27374

Anti-Tank Projects (2008). Poster. Anti-Tank.


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Atton, C. (2002). Alternative Media. London: SAGE Publication.

Awad, S. & Brady, W (eds.). (2017). Street Art of Resistance. New Yok: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Carpentier, N. (2011). Media and participation. A site of ideological-democratic struggle. Intellect. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv9hj9qt

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Galhotra, S. (2015, September 9). Indonesia should pursue justice in 1996 murder of journalist Udin. Committee to Protect Journalists. https://cpj.org/2015/09/indonesia-should-pursue-justice-in-1996-murder-of/

Glaveanu,V.P, Gillespee, A. & Valsiner, J. (2015). Rethinking Creativity: Contributions from social and cultural psychology. London: Routledge.

Gultom, H.A (2019). Taring Padi: Praktik Budaya Radikal di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Octopus.

Hadi, K.A. (2003). Upaya menghadirkan ‘citra lain’ dari Ledok Badran. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pondok Rakyat.

Hamilton, J. (2000). Alternative Media: Conceptual Difficulties, Critical Possibilities. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 24(4), 357-378.


Harrebye, S.F. (2016). Social change and creative activism in the 21st century: the mirror effect. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Irfani, F. (2017, October 23). Dari Munir Hingga Ormas: Cerita di Balik Poster Politik Anti-Tank. Tirto. https://tirto.id/dari-munir-hingga-ormas-cerita-di-balik-poster-politik-anti-tank-cyJz

Jay, M. (2014). Scopic Regimes of Modernity Revisited. In I. Heywood & B. Sandywell (Eds.), The Handbook of Visual Culture. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Kastari, J.K. (2004, March 29). Yogyakarta Kota Mural. Kedaulatan Rakyat.

Kenix, L.J. (2011). Alternative and mainstream media: The converging spectrum. NY: Bloomsburry Academy

Latorre, G. (2019). Democracy on the wall: Street art of the post-dictatorship era in Chile. The Ohio State University Press.

Lay, C. (2016). Pembangunan politik revisited. In W.P. Sangadi (Ed.), Blok Politik Kesejahteraan: Merebut Kembali Demokrasi. Yogyakarta: PolGov.

Lupinšek, P. (2017). Street art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Messages of the streets. In P. Costa, P. Guerra & P.S. Neves (Eds.), Urban intervention, street art and public space (pp. 100-112). Urbancreativity.org.

Maulana, A. & Situngkir, H. (2021). Media partisanship during election: Indonesian cases. In R.M. Benito, C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, E.Moro, L.M. Rocha, & M.Sales-Pardo (Eds.), Complex Networks & Their Applications IX (Vol. 943, pp. 651-659). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65347-7_54

Muhid, H.K. (2023, October 17). Kilas Balik Kasus Kematian Munir karena Racun Arsenik dan Mirna Akibat Racun Sianida.Tempo.


Muryanto, B. (2014, August 13). Activist demand resolution Udin murder case. Jakarta Post.


Noble, A. (Ed.) (2006). Sama-sama/togetherness: an international exchange project between Yogyakarta – San Fransisco. Yogyakarta: Jam Karet Press.

Norén-Nilsson, A., Savirani, A. and Uhlin, A. (2023). Civil Society Elites: Field study from Cambodia and Indonesia. Nias Press.

Papen, U. (2015). Signs in cities: The discursive production and commodification of urban spaces. Sociolinguistic Studies, 9(1), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.v9i1.21627

Prawoto, E. (2008). Mural kampung, sebagai upaya menghidupkan ruang kehidupan. Yogyakarta: Colofon

Rahayu, K.Y. (2022, May 21). 24 Tahun Pasca-Reformasi, Demokrasi Indonesia Masih Rentan. Kompas. https://www.kompas.id/baca/polhuk/2022/05/20/24-tahun-pasca-reformasi-demokrasi-indonesia-masih-rentan

Riggle, N.A. (2010). Street art: The transfiguration of the commonplaces. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 68(3), 243–57. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40793266

Savirani, A. (2005). Oposisi Indonesia dalam Era Everyday Politics (Opposition in the era of everyday politics). Jurnal Mandatory. Politik Perlawanan (Politics of resistance). 2nd Edition.

Savirani, A. & Tornquist, O. (2015). Reclaiming the State: Overcoming Problems of Democracy in Post-Soeharto Indonesia. Yogyakarta: PolGov and PCD.

Tarrow, S. (2011). Power in Movement: Social Movement and Contentious Politics (3rd Ed). New York: Cambridge University.

Taş, T., & Taş, O. (2014). Resistance on the walls, reclaiming public space: Street art in times of political turmoil in Turkey. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 5(3), 327–349. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc.5.3.327_1

Waclawek, A. (2008). From Graffiti to Street Art Movement: Negotiating Art World, Urban Space, and Visual Culture, c. 1970-2008.[Doctoral Dissertation, Concordia University,

Ahmada, S.F. (2021). Warga berdaya sebagai subpolitik dan kampanye Jogja Asat: Penolakan pembangunan hotel dan apartemen di Yogyakarta. Jurnal Pengembangan Kota, 9(1), 85-98. https://doi.org/10.14710/jpk.9.1.85-98

Alexiou, C. (2017). The conceptual notion of “the streets” in graffiti and street art: A search for its role, meaning and characteristics in the city of Utrecht [Thesis, University of of Utrecht. https://studenttheses.uu.nl/handle/20.500.12932/27374

Anti-Tank Projects (2008). Poster. Anti-Tank.


Atkinson, J. D. (2010). Alternative Media and Politics of Resistance. New York: Peter Lang.

Atton, C. (2002). Alternative Media. London: SAGE Publication.

Awad, S. & Brady, W (eds.). (2017). Street Art of Resistance. New Yok: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bailey, O. & Carpentier, N. & Cammaerts, B. (2007). Understanding Alternative Media: Issues in Media & Cultural Studies. Berkshire: Open University Press.

Bappeda Yogyakarta (2023). Jumlah Hotel [Data set]


Barry, S. (2008). Jalan Seni Jalanan Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Studlum

Bourriaud, N. (1998). Relational Aesthetics. Les Presses du Reel.

Calling, N.L. (2023, January 30). Munir Thalib-Human right profile.


Carpentier, N. (2011). Media and participation. A site of ideological-democratic struggle. Intellect. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv9hj9qt

Chin, M. (2002, September). Attitudes Magazine. Page 60-64

De Giosa, P. (2011). Urban Symbolism in Yogyakarta: In search of the lost symbol. In P.J.M. Nas (ed.). Cities Full of Symbol: A Theory of Urban Space and Culture (pp. 85-106). Leiden: Leiden University Press.

Devi, R.W.S. (2019, September 23). Gejayan memanggil dan aksi pergerakan mahasiswa di Yogyakarta. Detik.com.https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4717325/gejayan-memanggil-dan-aksi-pergerakan-mahasiswa-di-yogyakarta.

Ferrell, J. (1996). Crimes of Style: Urban Graffiti and the Politics of Criminality. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Frigidanto, A. (2002, September 22). “Sama-sama: mural Yogya. Tempo.

Galhotra, S. (2015, September 9). Indonesia should pursue justice in 1996 murder of journalist Udin. Committee to Protect Journalists. https://cpj.org/2015/09/indonesia-should-pursue-justice-in-1996-murder-of/

Glaveanu,V.P, Gillespee, A. & Valsiner, J. (2015). Rethinking Creativity: Contributions from social and cultural psychology. London: Routledge.

Gultom, H.A (2019). Taring Padi: Praktik Budaya Radikal di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Octopus.

Hadi, K.A. (2003). Upaya menghadirkan ‘citra lain’ dari Ledok Badran. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pondok Rakyat.

Hamilton, J. (2000). Alternative Media: Conceptual Difficulties, Critical Possibilities. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 24(4), 357-378.


Harrebye, S.F. (2016). Social change and creative activism in the 21st century: the mirror effect. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Irfani, F. (2017, October 23). Dari Munir Hingga Ormas: Cerita di Balik Poster Politik Anti-Tank. Tirto. https://tirto.id/dari-munir-hingga-ormas-cerita-di-balik-poster-politik-anti-tank-cyJz

Jay, M. (2014). Scopic Regimes of Modernity Revisited. In I. Heywood & B. Sandywell (Eds.), The Handbook of Visual Culture. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Kastari, J.K. (2004, March 29). Yogyakarta Kota Mural. Kedaulatan Rakyat.

Kenix, L.J. (2011). Alternative and mainstream media: The converging spectrum. NY: Bloomsburry Academy

Latorre, G. (2019). Democracy on the wall: Street art of the post-dictatorship era in Chile. The Ohio State University Press.

Lay, C. (2016). Pembangunan politik revisited. In W.P. Sangadi (Ed.), Blok Politik Kesejahteraan: Merebut Kembali Demokrasi. Yogyakarta: PolGov.

Lupinšek, P. (2017). Street art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Messages of the streets. In P. Costa, P. Guerra & P.S. Neves (Eds.), Urban intervention, street art and public space (pp. 100-112). Urbancreativity.org.

Maulana, A. & Situngkir, H. (2021). Media partisanship during election: Indonesian cases. In R.M. Benito, C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, E.Moro, L.M. Rocha, & M.Sales-Pardo (Eds.), Complex Networks & Their Applications IX (Vol. 943, pp. 651-659). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65347-7_54

Muhid, H.K. (2023, October 17). Kilas Balik Kasus Kematian Munir karena Racun Arsenik dan Mirna Akibat Racun Sianida.Tempo.


Muryanto, B. (2014, August 13). Activist demand resolution Udin murder case. Jakarta Post.


Noble, A. (Ed.) (2006). Sama-sama/togetherness: an international exchange project between Yogyakarta – San Fransisco. Yogyakarta: Jam Karet Press.

Norén-Nilsson, A., Savirani, A. and Uhlin, A. (2023). Civil Society Elites: Field study from Cambodia and Indonesia. Nias Press.

Papen, U. (2015). Signs in cities: The discursive production and commodification of urban spaces. Sociolinguistic Studies, 9(1), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.v9i1.21627

Prawoto, E. (2008). Mural kampung, sebagai upaya menghidupkan ruang kehidupan. Yogyakarta: Colofon

Rahayu, K.Y. (2022, May 21). 24 Tahun Pasca-Reformasi, Demokrasi Indonesia Masih Rentan. Kompas. https://www.kompas.id/baca/polhuk/2022/05/20/24-tahun-pasca-reformasi-demokrasi-indonesia-masih-rentan

Riggle, N.A. (2010). Street art: The transfiguration of the commonplaces. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 68(3), 243–57. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40793266

Savirani, A. (2005). Oposisi Indonesia dalam Era Everyday Politics (Opposition in the era of everyday politics). Jurnal Mandatory. Politik Perlawanan (Politics of resistance). 2nd Edition.

Savirani, A. & Tornquist, O. (2015). Reclaiming the State: Overcoming Problems of Democracy in Post-Soeharto Indonesia. Yogyakarta: PolGov and PCD.

Tarrow, S. (2011). Power in Movement: Social Movement and Contentious Politics (3rd Ed). New York: Cambridge University.

Taş, T., & Taş, O. (2014). Resistance on the walls, reclaiming public space: Street art in times of political turmoil in Turkey. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 5(3), 327–349. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc.5.3.327_1

Waclawek, A. (2008). From Graffiti to Street Art Movement: Negotiating Art World, Urban Space, and Visual Culture, c. 1970-2008.[Doctoral Dissertation, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada].


Wardani, F. (2002, November 19). Mural project reclaims public space in Yogya. Jakarta Post.

, Quebec, Canada].


Wardani, F. (2002, November 19). Mural project reclaims public space in Yogya. Jakarta Post.
