News coverage on Covid-19 is important as it provides people with important updates as well as crucial information for avoiding infection. Previous studies have shown undesirable messages such as Covid-19 news that circulates in social networking sites can trigger ‘third-person perception (TPP)’, which is a phenomenon in which audiences presume a message exerts more influence upon people other than themselves. It is crucial to examine whether audiences experience TPP during consumption of pandemic news – especially when there is a possible negative correlation between TPP and protective behavioural intentions. Previous studies showed empirical evidence when users used Covid-19 news in SNS (consume, contribute or create), such use could reduce TPP and was also correlated with preventive behavioural intentions. This suggests that three types of SNS usage and personal relevance have direct relationship with protective behavioural intentions, as well as indirect relationship with TPP, where it has a mediating role. To test these hypotheses, explanatory research of a positivistic paradigm and quantitative approach was administered. This research utilized quota sampling to collect data from 400 respondents through online questionnaire. Based on the structural analysis, there is no significant relationship between TPP and preventive behavioural intentions. Analyses also did not support the hypotheses that TPP mediated: 1.) SNS usage and preventive behavioural intensions; 2.) and personal relevance and preventive behavioural intensions. Personal relevance was found to be an important construct as it had a positive influence toward preventive behavioural intentions and a negative relationship with TPP. It is suggested that low level of interaction with Covid-19 news in Social Networking Sites is due to the respondents only incidentally consumed Covid-19 news. It is also suggested that non-existing relationship between third-person perception and preventive behavioural intention is due to the mandatory nature of health protocol in Indonesia.
Bahasa Abstract
Liputan berita tentang Covid-19 menjadi penting karena memberikan update penting kepada orang-orang dan informasi penting untuk menghindari infeksi. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan pesan yang tidak diinginkan seperti berita Covid-19 yang beredar di situs jejaring sosial dapat memicu ‘persepsi orang ketiga (TPP)’, yang merupakan fenomena di mana audiens menganggap pesan memberikan pengaruh lebih besar pada orang lain selain diri mereka sendiri. Sangat penting untuk mengecek apakah audiens mengalami TPP selama konsumsi berita pandemi – terutama ketika ada kemungkinan korelasi negatif antara TPP dan niat perilaku protektif. Studi sebelumnya menunjukkan bukti empiris ketika pengguna menerima berita Covid-19 menggunakan SNS (mengkonsumsi, berkontribusi atau membuat), mereka dapat mengurangi TPP dan juga berkorelasi dengan niat perilaku pencegahan. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tiga jenis penggunaan SNS dan relevansi pribadi memiliki hubungan langsung dengan niat perilaku protektif, serta hubungan tidak langsung dengan TPP, di mana ia memiliki peran mediasi. Untuk menguji hipotesis ini, penelitian menjelaskan tentang paradigma positivistik dan pendekatan kuantitatif dijabarkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengambilan sampel kuota untuk mengumpulkan data dari 400 responden melalui kuesioner online. Berdasarkan analisis struktural, tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara TPP dan niat perilaku preventif. Analisis juga tidak mendukung hipotesis yang dimediasi TPP: 1.) Penggunaan SNS dan intension perilaku preventif; 2.) dan relevansi pribadi dan intension perilaku preventif. Relevansi pribadi ditemukan sebagai konstruksi penting karena memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap niat perilaku preventif dan hubungan negatif dengan TPP. Dikemukakan bahwa rendahnya tingkat interaksi dengan berita Covid-19 di Situs Jejaring Sosial disebabkan oleh responden yang hanya secara kebetulan mengonsumsi berita Covid-19. Disarankan juga bahwa hubungan yang tidak ada antara persepsi orang ketiga dan niat perilaku preventif adalah karena kewajiban protokol kesehatan di Indonesia.
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Recommended Citation
Edwin, Joseph and Salamah, Ummi
"Third-Person Perception as a Mediator of the Influence of Social Networking Sites Use and Personal Relevance to Preventive Behavioural Intention,"
2, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/jki.v10i2.13880
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