Volume 6, Issue 1 (2023)
Developing Sustainable Smart Cities to Improve Citizen's Quality of Life and Well-Being
Mohammed Ali Berawi, Mustika Sari, and Perdana Miraj
Gender Analysis of Sustainable Housing Choices of Rental Household Heads In Abuja Municipal Council, Nigeria
Amos Chom Haruna, Stephen Mukiibi, and Assumpta Nnaggenda-Musana
Empowerment of Increasing Economic Resilience Post Covid-19 Janjang Wulung Village Community Through Creative Economic Village Planning
Alvian Wardhana, Muhammad Ramayuda, Faza Farhan Muhammad, Acyuta Putri Nariswari, Salsa Dwi Cahya Arifin, Garin Ardi Wicaksono, Dani Rizky Dianafi, and Muhammad Ivan Riyandhika Saad Psf
An Assessment of Urban Change and Its Drivers in Suleja Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria
Bamiji Michael Adeleye, Kenneth Ssemwogerere, Paul Isolo Mukwaya, Amin Tamale Kiggundu, Fredrick Omolo-Okalebo, and Lydia Mazzi Kayondo
The Concept of Permeability on The Neighbourhood Scale
Aulia Urrohmah, Evawani Ellisa, and Achmad Hery Fuad
Construction and Preliminary Application of the Carbon-based Spatial Governance Performance Evaluation System ——Taking Zhejiang Province as an Example
Lin Qu, Ganlin Xia, and Cunkuan Bao Prof.
Evaluating Insurance Funds as A Financing Source for Infrastructure Development: A Case Study of Indonesia
Mohammed Ali Berawi, Suyono Dikun, Ristu Bintoro, Mustika Sari, and Suci Indah Susilowati
Shifting Sustainable Mobility Agendas in Graz (Austria) and Hangzhou (China): The Multi-Level Process From Livable to Smart Cities
Outi Luova