Jurnal Fisioterapi Terapan Indonesia
The Indonesian Journal of Applied Physiotherapy ISSN 2798-5520 is a journal published by the Physiotherapy Study Program of the Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesian Association of Physiotherapy Vocational Education Providers (P3VFI). The scope of the journal: applied physiotherapy studies. the mechanisms of function or dysfunction; evidence-based rehabilitation; modern therapy methods; best clinical practice; clinical reasoning and decision-making processes; assessment and clinical management of disorders; exploration of relevant clinical interventions; multi-modal approaches; biopsychosocial exploration in rehabilitation; qualitative studies involving physiotherapists. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, also systematic, narrative, and scoping reviews articles are welcomed. Issues published in June and December.
Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2 (2024)
Benefits Of Neurodevelopment Treatment And Trunk Mobilization In Spastic Diplegi Cerebral Palsy: Case Study
Enggal -. Andayani, Nitaya Putri Nur Hidayati, and Sugiono -. -
Effectiveness of Using Soft Exosuit in Stroke Case to Improve Walking Speed And Endurance
Aditya Denny Pratama and Rakha Shidqi Widyadhana
Perbandingan Konservatif Fisioterapi Dengan Core Stability Exercise Pada Kasus Nyeri Punggung Bawah
Angria Pradita and Nurul Halimah
Occupational Therapy Using CBT to Improve Work Productivity in Schizophrenia: A Case Study
Artha Nisa Thohiroh Triyantari, Reza Nur Arsyi, Muhammad Luthfi, Ayleen Alicia K, Hermito Gideon, Zulfa Khoirunisah, Putri Dirgantara, and Purnama Betty R. Sitorus
Enhancement of Functional Ability in Supraspinatus Tendinitis Using Ultrasound and Isotonic Exercise: Case Study
Tu Lidya Ike Putri and Christabelle Aurelia