


The Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (JDI) is a peer-reviewed journal being published three times a year. Starting in 2015, JDI only publishes articles in English. Submitted manuscripts should be original and have not been accepted for publication or even published elsewhere. Papers considered may be Research Articles or Case Reports. Literature Reviews manuscript is reserved for invited papers only.

The author takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review. Files that have to be submitted simultaneously with the manuscript to the system are (please submit them as additional files):

  • A cover letter that contains a brief description of the manuscript.
  • A tile page contains the title of the paper, full names of all authors, addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out, full postal and email address of the correspondence author, (6) facsimile and telephone numbers, of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent.
  • An Author Contribution Form that is signed by all of the authors.

Submitted manuscripts will be sent to peer reviewers, unless they are either out of scope or below threshold for the journal as determined by Editor in Chief.

Should there be found any signs of plagiarism, this will be solely the responsibility of the author(s) and the Editor reserves the right to employ any necessary actions to respond. If the research was undertaken using human or experimental animals, the type of informed consent and/ or ethical clearance should be clearly stated in the methods of the manuscript. Individual contributions of all authors to the manuscript should be specified in the author consent form.

The Journal of Dentistry Indonesia does not apply Article Processing Charges or Submission Charges. All journal hardcopies and reprints are supplied at cost.


Authors are requested to submit papers online in order to facilitate quick and efficient processing. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times

To submit your manuscript , firstly register as author directly onto the site at the link: https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/jdi. Once you are registered, log in to the website to submit and upload your manuscript following the onscreen instructions. For further information contact editorial office:

Editorial Office, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia
Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia
C Building 3rd Floor, Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4,
Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Phone: +62-21-31906289; Fax: +62-21-31906289
Email: jdentistry@ui.ac.id


The authors are responsible for all statements made in the work, including changes made by the copy editor, which must be reviewed in proof.

The manuscript is to be typed in double spacing on A4-sized paper (297x210mm) using Times New Roman, with top and bottom margins of 2.54cm (1inch) and left and right margins of 3.17cm (1.25inches). Articles should not less than 10 printed pages nor exceed 15 printed pages, including illustrations and references.

Title should be written in capital, bold, 14pt font, 10-16 words, informative and contain the major key words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.

Abstracts should be written in 10pt font, maximum 200 words, written clear and concise to represent the core of the manuscript in English, written in structured mannered, representing the content in the manuscript body. (Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion).

Key words should be written in 10pt font. Brief and clear description of relevant key words (maximum 5 key words) should be written at the bottom left of the abstract and in alphabetical order. Key words should be taken from recommendation made by the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) available from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/.

Manuscript body

Body of manuscript should be written in 10pt font.

A. Research/Original article

The JDI follows the standard level of Evidence for Primary Research and Reporting Guidelines which are: CONSORT for reporting randomized controlled trials, PRISMA for Systematic reviews and meta-analyses, STROBE for Observational studies in epidemiology, and ARRIVE for Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments.

Introduction (Consise, no more than 4 paragraph. Clearly state the background of the study, main problem and the purpose of the study.)

Methods (State ethical clearance when required. Clearly explain the details of research methods and the statistical analysis used in the study. Subheadings that aid clarity of data presentation are allowed.)

Results (Data should be presented in table or graphs. Avoid repetition of presenting similar data.)

Discussion (Clearly state the interpretation of the study results and the discussion of the other relevant published data. Avoid the repetition of studies explained in the introduction.)

Conclusion (Avoid undue extrapolation of the finding of the study.)

Acknowledgment (Individuals with contribute in the study but not included in authorship may be acknowledged. The source of financial support and industry affiliations of all those involved must be stated.)

Funding (Authors must declare the funding body of the study, grant number and year)

Conflict of Interest (Please see the Conflict of Interest Policy of JDI)

References (Please see references section for details.)

Figure and Tables (Please see figure and table section for details.)

Please download template for Original Article HERE

B. Case report

Introduction (Concise, no more than 4 paragraphs. Clearly describe the background of the case, main problem and the aim of the report.)

Case report (Describe the relevant details of the case report.)


Conclusion (Avoid undue extrapolation of the finding of the case report.)

Acknowledgment (Individuals with contribute in the study but not included in authorship may be acknowledged. The source of financial support and industry affiliations of all those involved must be stated.)

Conflict of Interest (Please see the Conflict of Interest Policy of JDI)

Reference (Please see references section for details.)

Figure and Tables (Please see figure and table section for details.)

Please download template for Case Report HERE

C. Literature Review (Limited to Invited Author)


Authors are encouraged to use journal articles published in the last 10 years as the primary references. Articles older than 10 years should not exceed 10% of the articles in the references. Detailed information for reference writing style for JDI, can be found in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, available at https://www.icmje.org/about-icmje/faqs/icmje-recommendations/.

It is the obligation of the author to ensure that all references used are quoted accurately, correct and written according to the guidelines. Each reference quoted should be numbered according to their appearance in the main text of the paper using Arabic number (1,2,3,4, and so on) as superscript. The title of each journal quoted should be abbreviated following the standardized abbreviations, which can be found at http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/journals.

Comprehensive referencing of recent articles related to the manuscript is compulsory including articles that have been published in JDI.

Authors are encouraged to search from JDI website, whether the topics/fields have already appeared in JDI.

Figures and Tables

Figures and tables should be included in the body of manuscript. Each figure and table should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers, in the order of appearance in the manuscript and accompanied by figure/table legend that clearly describing it. Figure/table titles and table content should be written in 9pt font.

Details/explanation of any symbols/abbreviations and units of measurement must be explained in Table/Figure Legend. All presented tables/figures should be clearly explained in the text. Each Table/Figure has to be self-explanatory. Once the manuscript has been reviewed, authors are asked to provided separated files of figures and tables. Figure should be saved in the jpeg format and should have minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Table should be saved separately in Excel or any compatible format. JDI only print figure in black and white. Colored figures only available in the electronic/online version.

Scientific names, abbreviations and symbols

The Journal uses US spelling. Proper names of bacteria should be binomial. The full proper name (e.g., Streptococcus sanguis) must be given upon first mention. The generic name may be abbreviated thereafter with the first letter of the genus (e.g., S. sanguis). With regard to drugs, generic names should be used instead of proprietary names. If a proprietary name is used, it must be attached when the term is first used.

All measurements must be given in SI or SI-derived units. Use no roman numerals in the text. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use thereafter use the abbreviation only. Use Standard genetic nomenclature should be used. For further information, including relevant websites, authors should refer to the genetic nomenclature guide in Trends in Genetics (Elsevier Science, 1998).