Current Issue: Volume 8, Number 1
Publication Date: 29 January 2025Editorial
Interior Fragments
Paramita Atmodiwirjo and Yandi Andri Yatmo
pages 1-4
Soul Surfers Forced Into a Fragmented Exteriority
Siti Balkish Roslan, Nor Atiah Ismail, and Sumarni Ismail
pages 5-24
The Kitchen as a Social-Spatial Barometer: Deconstructing the Domestic Realm From a Gender Perspective
Serafina Amoroso and Atxu Amann Alcocer
pages 25-48
Dynamics of Nodes: Adaptation of Interior Places in a Historic Waterfront Community for Sustainability
Thanapan Laiprakobsup and Narongpon Laiprakobsup
pages 49-76
Analysis of the Represented Interior Space: Hermeneutic Study of the Peres Maldonado Ex-voto
Blanca Ruiz Esparza Díaz de León and Héctor Omar Gonzaléz Romo
pages 77-102
Fragments Within Fragments: The Collective Negotiation of Exquisite Corpse Drawings
Defry Agatha Ardianta, Yandi Andri Yatmo, and Paramita Atmodiwirjo
pages 103-124
Decrypting Interiority of Albert Camus' The Stranger Through Absurdist Architectural Symbolism
Peter Akongfeh Agwu, Angela A. Ajimase, Edward Ugbada Adie, and John Ogidi Acha
pages 125-148