


The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has reinforced the need for scientists to collaborate more and more in an interdisciplinary manner, in order to obtain the most comprehensive and appropriate solutions. Covid-19 is indeed the area of medical and health sciences, but this research is carried out comprehensively through the interdisciplinary study of law. The research found that the main problem is in the inconsistent policies and its implementation in preventing and handling the pandemic. The informants, including doctors, show their perspective from their experiences on how the pandemic is a way to deconstruct the whole health problems in Indonesia.

Keyword: pandemic Covid-19, law, policy, interdisciplinary study of law, digital survey, digital interview

Bahasa Abstract


Pandemi COVID-19 meneguhkan panggilan bagi para ilmuwan untuk semakin berkolaborasi secara inter-disiplin, agar mendapatkan solusi yang paling komprehensif dan tepat. Covid-19 memang wilayah ilmu kedokteran dan kesehatan namun penelitian ini dilakukan secara komprehensif melalui studi hukum interdisiplin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan problem utama dari ketidakjelasan kebijakan dan implementasinya dalam banyak aspek terkait pencegahan dan penanganan pandemi. Para informan, termasuk para dokter, menunjukkan pandangan mereka berdasarkan pengalaman dan testimoni tentang bagaimana pandemi ini merupakan jendela untuk membongkar keseluruhan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia.

Kata kunci: pandemi Covid-19, kebijakan, hukum, studi hukum interdisiplin, survei digital, wawancara digital



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