Volume 4, Issue 2 (2024)
Original Articles
Relationship of Stress and Other Factors with Emotional Eating Among Adolescents in Depok
Muthia Syifa Rahmadina and Asih Setiarini
Determinant Factors of The Incidence of Low Birth Weight in Central Java Province: Analysis of 2018 Basic Health Research Data
Desi Irawati, Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika, Diah Mulyawati Utari, and Fadila Wirawan
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Consumption Based on Individual and Environmental Factors among the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia’s Students in 2023
Safira Diva Aranis, Wahyu Kurnia Yusrin Putra, Asih Setiarini, and Teguh Jati Prasetyo
The Differences in Maternal Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in the Incidence of Stunting in Yogyakarta
Shafa Ramadhita, Anindhita Syahbi Syagata, and Nor Eka Noviani