Uncontrolled use of Online Food Delivery (OFD) can increase food intake and affect the incidence of overweight/obesity. This study aims to examine the differences in the proportion of nutritional status based on the use of OFD services among UI non-health science cluster students. This study involved 136 respondents using a purposive sampling method and cross-sectional study design. Data were collected through anthropometric measurements, Google Form, and direct interviews to be analyzed by Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed significant differences in the proportion of nutritional status based on the duration of consumer loyalty, pocket money, and energy intake. After controlling for physical activity and energy intake, there was a difference in the proportion of nutritional status based on food preference with a negative relationship (p-value = 0.039; OR = 0.213; 95% CI = 0.49- 0.93). Energy intake was the dominant factor influencing food preferences on nutritional status (OR = 9.605, 95% CI). Further research is needed to consider other aspects of OFD use and nutritional status. Non-health science cluster UI students are advised to pay attention to balanced nutrition messages in food selection when using OFD to avoid the risk of overnutrition or obesity.
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Bahasa Abstract
Penggunaan Online Food Delivery (OFD) yang kurang terkendali dapat menyebabkan peningkatan asupan makanan dan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian status gizi berlebih/obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perbedaan proporsi status gizi berdasarkan penggunaan layanan OFD pada mahasiswa nonkesehatan UI. Penelitian ini melibatkan 136 responden dengan metode purposive sampling dan desain studi cross-sectional. Data diambil melalui pengukuran antropometri, Google Form, dan wawancara langsung untuk dianalisis uji Chi-Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil menunjukkan perbedaan proporsi status gizi yang signifikan berdasarkan durasi loyalitas konsumen, uang saku, dan asupan energi. Setelah dikontrol oleh aktivitas fisik dan asupan energi, ditemukan perbedaan proporsi status gizi berdasarkan preferensi makanan dengan hubungan negatif (p-value = 0,039; OR = 0,213; 95% CI = 0,49—0,93). Asupan energi merupakan faktor dominan dalam memengaruhi preferensi makanan terhadap status gizi (OR= 9,605, 95% CI). Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mempertimbangkan aspek lain terkait penggunaan OFD dan status gizi. Mahasiswa nonkesehatan UI disarankan memperhatikan pesan gizi seimbang dalam pemilihan makanan saat menggunakan OFD untuk menghindari risiko status gizi berlebih atau obesitas.
Recommended Citation
Rizky, Muhammad Aulia; Setiarini, Asih; Fikawati, Sandra; and Fajrinayanti, Fajrinayanti
"The Differences in Nutritional Status Based on The Use of Online Food Delivery (OFD) Services Among the Universitas Indonesia’s Non-Health Science Cluster Students in 2023,"
Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition (IJPHN): Vol. 4:
1, Article 3.
DOI: 10.7454/ijphn.v4i1.7271
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