
Inclusivity Vis a Vis Exclusivity: Evaluation of The Impact of International Trade Facilitation of The ASEAN Trade in Goods on The Fulfillment Human Security Aspect


ATIGA (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Trade in Goods Agreement) is a form of evolution of economic cooperation among ASEAN member countries which began in 1977 with the PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement) embryonic concept and developed in the 1990s with CEPT (Common Effective Preferential Tariff), has driven a significant increase in intra-trade and external-trade in the Southeast Asia Region. The agreement to establish a free trade zone that provides the concept of “preferences” by reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers to member countries to encourage regional economic growth through trade creation and trade diversion is considered capable of strengthening the integration of regional regionalism. Indonesia is one of the key players in ASEAN and has an interest in being able to increase its role in trade and economic development in the Southeast Asian Region It continues to strive to ensure commitment to implement ATIGA can be realized by opening the widest possible access for all elements. Indonesians can take advantage of the facilities provided in international agreements. This research uses the qualitative explanatory method. The research finding shows in line with the increase in the flow of goods and services in the region, the challenges of implementing a regional free trade zone are also increasingly complex and causing several impacts that need to be studied immediately, such as environmental issues, food security, terrorism, intellectual property rights, and human rights. The paradox of service versus security in service-oriented trade facilities should not simply abandon the element of oversight to safeguard national interests, one of which is in the aspect of fulfilling human security.

Bahasa Abstract

ATIGA (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Trade in Goods Agreement) merupakan bentuk evolusi kerja sama ekonomi antar negara anggota ASEAN yang dimulai pada tahun 1977 dengan konsep embrionik PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement) dan berkembang pada tahun 1990-an dengan CEPT (Common Effective Preferential Tarif), telah mendorong peningkatan signifikan dalam perdagangan intra-perdagangan dan eksternal di Kawasan Asia Tenggara. Kesepakatan pembentukan zona perdagangan bebas yang memberikan konsep “preferensi” dengan mengurangi hambatan tarif dan non-tarif kepada negara anggota untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi regional melalui penciptaan perdagangan dan pengalihan perdagangan dinilai mampu memperkuat integrasi regionalisme regional. Indonesia merupakan salah satu pemain kunci di ASEAN dan berkepentingan untuk dapat meningkatkan perannya dalam perdagangan dan pembangunan ekonomi di Kawasan Asia Tenggara. Indonesia terus berupaya untuk memastikan komitmen penerapan ATIGA dapat terwujud dengan membuka akses seluas-luasnya bagi negara-negara ASEAN. semua elemen. Masyarakat Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas yang diberikan dalam perjanjian internasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif eksplanatori. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan seiring dengan peningkatan arus barang dan jasa di suatu wilayah, tantangan penerapan zona perdagangan bebas regional juga semakin kompleks dan menimbulkan beberapa dampak yang perlu segera dikaji, seperti permasalahan lingkungan hidup, pangan, dan sektor pangan. keamanan, terorisme, hak kekayaan intelektual, dan hak asasi manusia. Paradoks pelayanan versus keamanan pada fasilitas perdagangan yang berorientasi jasa tidak boleh begitu saja meninggalkan unsur pengawasan untuk menjaga kepentingan nasional, salah satunya pada aspek pemenuhan keamanan manusia.


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