

Plastic is a significant portion of marine debris, ranging from 60% to 80%. Historically, ships have been a major contributor to plastic pollution in the ocean, followed by Indonesia, which is acknowledged as the second-largest originator. Global efforts to combat marine pollution, including plastic waste, have been undertaken through international agreements like MARPOL Annex V. This agreement has mandated countries to establish suitable port facilities for ship-generated wastes. However, an assessment of Indonesian ports indicated insufficient compliance with environmental management standards, particularly in waste handling. The current direct fee policy for waste disposal may disincentivize proper waste disposal by ship operators. This research examined and analyzed standards for adequate port waste reception facilities and explored the potential of implementing an indirect fee policy to promote responsible waste disposal. The research also provided recommendations for enhancing plastic waste management in accordance with international treaties ratified by the Indonesian government. The result showed that although existing national legal instruments indirectly address plastic waste concerns, specific regulations and updates are needed. Furthermore, the introduction of indirect fee policies for waste disposal at ports, coupled with stronger law enforcement, can incentivize proper waste management practices. These policies offered a promising strategy to address the challenges posed by plastic waste and contribute to sustainable environmental practices. By adopting these policies, countries were able to take a proactive approach to mitigating plastic pollution and protecting marine ecosystems.


Journals and Periodicals

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Books and Book Chapters

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Legal Documents

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. 1340 UNTS 61 (adopted 2 November 1973, entry into force 2 October 1983).

Convention for The Protection of The Marine Environment of The Northeast Atlantic 1992. 354 UNTS 67 (open for signature 22 September 1992, enter into force 25 March 1998).

Convention on The Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping and Other Matter. 1046 UNTS 120 (adopted 29 December 1972, entry into force 30 August 1975).

Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris on ASEAN Region, adopted 22 June 2019.

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Indonesia. Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Penyelenggaraan Bidang Pelayaran. PP No. 31 Tahun 2021. (Government Regulation on The Operation of the Shipping Sector, Government Regulation No. 31 of 2021).

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