

In 2016, Zarizana Abdul Aziz and Janine Moussa developed the ‘Due Diligence Framework of States Responsibility in the Elimination of Violence against Women (VAW)’, based on a study their team conducted worldwide beginning in 2011. The framework establishes five domains of due diligence in assessing states responsibility (the “5Ps”) in eliminating VAW: prevention; protection; prosecution; punishment of perpetrators, and provision of redress and reparation for victims/survivors. States are responsible to uphold human rights protection for all people, particularly in eliminating VAW without any discrimination. Indonesia constituted protection measures through laws pertaining to VAW but there are barriers in effectively protecting victims and punishing perpetrators of VAW. The due diligence human rights framework are highly useful in evaluating how states have taken the responsibility to prevent VAW, offer protection against it through policy, legislation, prosecution and punishment and provide support and compensation for victims. In the case of Indonesia, providing protection and punishment against VAW remain two critical areas that the government must pay attention to eradicate VAW. This article aims to critically assess forms of protection and punishment that the state has developed and enforced towards the elimination of VAW. It does so by critically and systematically reviewing documented legal, policy and case materials pertaining to violence against women, generally, and to more specific forms of VAW. This review will yield critical information and analyses of the achievement and limitation of state responses to VAW so that more targeted strategies can be planned to fulfill the state responsibility.

Bahasa Abstract

Pada tahun 2016, Zarizana Abdul Aziz dan Janine Moussa mengembangkan 'Kerangka Uji Tuntas Tanggung Jawab Negara dalam Penghapusan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (KTP)', berdasarkan studi yang dilakukan tim mereka di seluruh dunia mulai tahun 2011. Kerangka kerja tersebut menetapkan lima domain uji tuntas dalam menilai tanggung jawab negara (“5P”) dalam menghapus KTP: pencegahan; perlindungan; penuntutan; penghukuman bagi pelaku, dan pemberian ganti rugi dan reparasi bagi korban/penyintas. Negara bertanggung jawab untuk menegakkan perlindungan hak asasi manusia bagi semua orang, terutama dalam menghapus KTP tanpa diskriminasi. Indonesia telah melakukan upaya perlindungan melalui undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan KTP tetapi terdapat hambatan dalam melindungi korban dan menghukum pelaku KTP secara efektif. Kerangka uji tuntas hak asasi manusia sangat berguna dalam mengevaluasi bagaimana negara telah mengambil tanggung jawab untuk mencegah KTP, memastikan perlindungan melalui kebijakan, undang-undang, penuntutan dan hukuman serta memberikan dukungan dan kompensasi bagi para korban. Dalam kasus Indonesia, memberikan perlindungan dan penghukuman terhadap KTP menjadi dua aspek kritis yang harus diperhatikan pemerintah untuk memberantas KTP. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara kritis bentuk-bentuk perlindungan dan hukuman yang dikembangkan dan ditegakkan oleh negara terhadap penghapusan KTP. Hal dilakukan dengan meninjau materi hukum, kebijakan dan kasus yang terdokumentasi yang berkaitan dengan kekerasan terhadap perempuan, secara umum, dan bentuk-bentuk KTP yang lebih spesifik, secara kritis dan sistematis. Kajian ini akan menghasilkan informasi dan analisis kritis tentang pencapaian dan keterbatasan respons negara terhadap KTP sehingga dapat direncanakan strategi yang lebih tepat sasaran untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab negara.



-Abrahams, Naeemah, et al. “Worldwide Prevalence of Non-Partner Sexual Violence: A Systematic Review”. Lancet 383, (2014): 1648–1654 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62243-6

-Aryani, Andi Sri Ratu. ”Analisis Polemik Pengesahan RUU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (TPKS) [Analysis of the Polemic of Legalization of the Sexual Violence Bill]”. Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender 1, No. 1 (2021): 30-49

-Carastathis, Anna. “The Concept of Intersectionality in Feminist Theory”, Philosophy Compass 9, No. 5 (2014): 304-314. DOI: 10.1111/phc3.12129

-Farid, Muhammad Rifa’at Adiakarti. “Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan dalam Ketimpangan Relasi Kuasa: Studi Kasus di Rifka Annisa Women’s Crisis Center [Violence against Women in Inequality in Power Relations: A Case Study at Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center]”. SAWWA: Jurnal Studi Gender 14, No 2 (2019): 175-190 doi: 10.21580/sa.v14i2.4062

-Fadlurrahman, Lalu. “Kinerja Implementasi Kebijakan Penanganan Perempuan Korban Kekerasan [Performance of Policy Implementation for Handling Women Victims of Violence]”. Jurnal Kebijakan & Administrasi Publik JKAP 18, No. 2 (2014): 161-184

-Fawole, Olufunmilayo I., Esther O. Asekun-Olarinmoye, and Kayode O. Osungbade. "Are Very Poor Women More Vulnerable to Violence Against Women?: Comparison of Experiences of Female Beggars with Homemakers in an Urban Slum Settlement in Ibadan, Nigeria." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 24, no. 4 (2013): 1460-1473. doi:10.1353/hpu.2013.0185.

-Horii, Hoko. “Pluralistic Legal System, Pluralistic Human Rights?: Teenage Pregnancy, Child Marriage and Legal Institutions in Bali”. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 51, No. 3 (2019): 292-319 doi: 10.1080/07329113.2019.1683429

-Muluneh, Muluken Dessalegn, et al. “Gender Based Violence against Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cross-Sectional Studies”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, No. 903 (2020): 2 doi:10.3390/ijerph17030903

-Munawaroh, Siti. “Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) Di Wilayah Prambanan, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah [Sex Workers in Region of Prambanan, Klaten District, Central Java]”, DIMENSIA 4, No. 2 (2010): 69-82

-Muslih, M. “Negara Hukum Indonesia dalam Perspektif Teori Hukum Gustav Radbruch (Tiga Nilai Dasar Hukum) [Indonesia Rule of Law State in Legal Theory Perspective in Gustav Radbruch (Three Basic Values of Law)]”. Legalitas IV, No. 1 (2013): 130-152

-Rahmawati, Ranny., Sukidin & Suharso, Pudjo. “Pemberdayaan Perempuan Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) oleh Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak dan Keluarga Berencana (DP3AKB) Kabupaten Jember [Empowerment of Women Victims of Domestic Violence (KDRT) by the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning (DP3AKB) Jember Regency]”. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, Ilmu Ekonomi, dan Ilmu Sosial 12, No. 2 (2018): 162-167 doi: 10.19184/jpe.v12i2.8305

-Sabohi, Misbah., Maher, Saghir. & Hassan, Shafiqul. “Feminist Perspective of International Law and Its Effect on International Courts and Tribunals.”, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues 22, no. 1 (2019): 1-11

-Spice, William. “Management Of Sex Workers And Other High-Risk Groups”. Occupational Medicine 57 (2007): 322-328

-Strike, Cara. “A Modern Look at the Oldest Profession: The Inconsistency of Prostitution, Sex Trafficking and the Internet”. Transnational Law & Contemporary Problem Journal 29, no. 2 (2020): 353-374

-Ulrich, Jennifer L. “Confronting Gender-based Violence with International Instruments: Is a Solution to the Pandemic within Reach?”. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 22, no. 1 (2000): 629-654

-Uzun, Gizem Oneri & Uzunboylu, Huseyin. “A Survey Regarding of Domestic Violence Againts Women”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 190 (2015): 24-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.911


-Aziz, Zarizana Abdul & Moussa, Janine. Due Diligence Framework: State Accountability Framework for Eliminating Violence against Women. (International Human Rights Initiative, 2016).

-Balfour, Reuben & Allen, Jessica. A Review of the Literature on Sex Workers and Social Exclusion. (The UCL Institute of Health Equity for Inclusion Health. Department of Health, 2014.)

-Brownridge, Douglas A. Violence Against Women: Vulnerable Populations (1st ed.). (Routledge, 2009), 1. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203877432

-Ministry of Women and Children Empowerment Indonesia. Panduan Pemantauan dan Evaluasi: Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Layanan Terpadu bagi Perempuan dan Anak Korban Kekerasan [Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines: Minimum Service Standards for Integrated Services for Women and Children Victims of Violence]. (KemenPPPA, 2012).

-National Women Commission, Perempuan Dalam Himpitan Pandemi: Lonjakan Kekerasan Seksual, Kekerasan Siber, Perkawinan Anak, Dan Keterbatasan Penanganan [Women in a Pandemic: An Increase in Sexual Violence, Cyber Violence, Child Marriage, and Limitations of Settlement]. (National Women Commission Annual Report, 2021).

-Ramadhan, Choky Risda, et al. Asesmen Konsistensi Putusan Pengadilan Kasus-Kasus Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan [Assessment of Consistency of Court Decisions in Cases of Violence against Women]. (Badan Penerbit Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia – MaPPI FHUI - LBH APIK, second edition 2018).

-Sagala, Valentina, ed. Penegakan Hukum yang Berkeadilan Jender: Setahun Program Penguatan Penegak Hukum [Gender Equitable Law Enforcement: A Year of Law Enforcement Strengthening Program]. (Komnas Perempuan – LBH APIK Jakarta – LBPP DERAP – Warapsari – Convention Watch-PKWJ UI, 2005).


-Indonesia. Law 7/1984 regarding Ratification of the Convention on The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Internet sources:

-BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance & Counselling Programs. “Critical Elements of an Effective Response to Violence against Women”. Accessed on 11 May 2022, https://endingviolence.org/files/uploads/BN_5_MARG_WOMEN.pdf

-KemenPPPA. “Kemen PPPA Luncurkan Call Center SAPA 129 [Kemen PPPA Launched Call Center SAPA 129]”. Accessed on 15 May 2022, https://www.kemenpppa.go.id/index.php/page/read/29/3085/kemen-pppa-luncurkan-call-center-sapa-129

-KemenPPPA. “Sinergi KemenPPPA dan PT. PNM Perkuat Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Perempuan [Synergy between KemenPPPA and PT. PNM Strengthens Women's Economic Empowerment]”. Accessed on 17 May 2022, https://www.kemenpppa.go.id/index.php/page/read/29/3016/sinergi-kemen-pppa-dan-pt-pnm-perkuat-pemberdayaan-ekonomi-perempuan

-Ki-Moon, Ban. “Statement of the Secretary-General, Secretary General’s Remarks on the International Day Elimination of Violence Against Women”. United Nation (UN). Accessed on 11 May 2022, http://www.un.org/sg/statements/index.asp?nid=8227

-Komnas Perempuan. “Bayang-bayang Stagnansi: Daya Pencegahan dan Penanganan Berbanding Peningkatan Jumlah, Ragam dan Kompleksitas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender terhadap Perempuan [In the Shadow of Stagnancy: Prevention and Settlement versus the Increase of Numbers, Variety, and Complexity of Gender-Based Violence towards Women]”. Accessed on 11 May 2022, https://komnasperempuan.go.id/siaran-pers-detail/peringatan-hari-perempuan-internasional-2022-dan-peluncuran-catatan-tahunan-tentang-kekerasan-berbasis-gender-terhadap-perempuan

-UN, OCHCR. “Violence against Women. Information Series on Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights”. Accessed on 11 May 2022, https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session23/A_HRC_23_49_English.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjbyMC_xNb3AhXVjOYKHbWUBdoQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3_S-SY6XDnmRCXUpWKsQTm

-World Bank. “Violence against Women and Girls.” Accessed on 20 May 2022, https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/socialdevelopment/brief/violence-against-women-and-girls.

-World Health Organization. “Global and regional estimates of violence against women: prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence”. Available at https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/85239


-UN. CEDAW, General Recommendation 19: Violence against women, 11th session, 1992, U.N. Doc. HRI\GEN\1\Rev. 1 at 84 (1994), para. 9. UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women.

-UN. General Assembly Resolution 48/104 of 20 December 1993; A/RES/48/104, 23 February 1994, Article 4.c.

-UN. General Assembly Resolution 52/86 of 12 December 1997; A/RES/52/86, 2 February 1998, ANNEX.


-UN UNODC. Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence. Trainee’s Manual for Law Enforcement and Justice Sectors in Vietnam, 2011.

-UN OHCHR. Professional Training Series No. 5/Add.3 Human Rights Standard and Practice for the Police. Expanded Pocket Book on Human Rights for the Police, 2004.

-Manjoo, Rashida. Annual Thematic Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on VAW, its causes and consequences. Human Rights Council U.N. Doc. A/HRC/14/22 para 12, 2010.

Presentation material:

-Tardi, Siti Aminah. Analisa Kualitatif. Bayang-Bayang Stagnasi: Daya Pencegahan dan Penanganan Berbanding Peningkatan Jumlah, Ragam dan Kompleksitas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender terhadap Perempuan (Qualitative Analysis. In Shadows of Stagnation: Prevention and Settlement Compared to the Increase in the Number, Variety and Complexity of Gender-Based Violence against Women). Presentation material on Peluncuran Catatan Tahunan Komnas Perempuan 2022: Data Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan Tahun 2021 (Launching of the 2022 Komnas Perempuan Annual Report) (online) Monday, March 7, 2022 08.00 – 12.45 GMT+7

Journal:-Abrahams, Naeemah, et al. “Worldwide Prevalence of Non-Partner Sexual Violence: A Systematic Review”. Lancet 383, (2014): 1648–1654 doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62243-6 -Aryani, Andi Sri Ratu. ”Analisis Polemik Pengesahan RUU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (TPKS) [Analysis of the Polemic of Legalization of the Sexual Violence Bill]”. Najwa: Jurnal Muslimah dan Studi Gender 1, No. 1 (2021): 30-49-Carastathis, Anna. “The Concept of Intersectionality in Feminist Theory”, Philosophy Compass 9, No. 5 (2014): 304-314. DOI: 10.1111/phc3.12129-Farid, Muhammad Rifa’at Adiakarti. “Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan dalam Ketimpangan Relasi Kuasa: Studi Kasus di Rifka Annisa Women’s Crisis Center [Violence against Women in Inequality in Power Relations: A Case Study at Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center]”. SAWWA: Jurnal Studi Gender 14, No 2 (2019): 175-190 doi: 10.21580/sa.v14i2.4062-Fadlurrahman, Lalu. “Kinerja Implementasi Kebijakan Penanganan Perempuan Korban Kekerasan [Performance of Policy Implementation for Handling Women Victims of Violence]”. Jurnal Kebijakan & Administrasi Publik JKAP 18, No. 2 (2014): 161-184-Fawole, Olufunmilayo I., Esther O. Asekun-Olarinmoye, and Kayode O. Osungbade. "Are Very Poor Women More Vulnerable to Violence Against Women?: Comparison of Experiences of Female Beggars with Homemakers in an Urban Slum Settlement in Ibadan, Nigeria." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 24, no. 4 (2013): 1460-1473. doi:10.1353/hpu.2013.0185.-Horii, Hoko. “Pluralistic Legal System, Pluralistic Human Rights?: Teenage Pregnancy, Child Marriage and Legal Institutions in Bali”. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 51, No. 3 (2019): 292-319 doi: 10.1080/07329113.2019.1683429-Muluneh, Muluken Dessalegn, et al. “Gender Based Violence against Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cross-Sectional Studies”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, No. 903 (2020): 2 doi:10.3390/ijerph17030903-Munawaroh, Siti. “Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) Di Wilayah Prambanan, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah [Sex Workers in Region of Prambanan, Klaten District, Central Java]”, DIMENSIA 4, No. 2 (2010): 69-82-Muslih, M. “Negara Hukum Indonesia dalam Perspektif Teori Hukum Gustav Radbruch (Tiga Nilai Dasar Hukum) [Indonesia Rule of Law State in Legal Theory Perspective in Gustav Radbruch (Three Basic Values of Law)]”. Legalitas IV, No. 1 (2013): 130-152-Rahmawati, Ranny., Sukidin & Suharso, Pudjo. “Pemberdayaan Perempuan Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) oleh Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak dan Keluarga Berencana (DP3AKB) Kabupaten Jember [Empowerment of Women Victims of Domestic Violence (KDRT) by the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning (DP3AKB) Jember Regency]”. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, Ilmu Ekonomi, dan Ilmu Sosial 12, No. 2 (2018): 162-167 doi: 10.19184/jpe.v12i2.8305-Sabohi, Misbah., Maher, Saghir. & Hassan, Shafiqul. “Feminist Perspective of International Law and Its Effect on International Courts and Tribunals.”, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues 22, no. 1 (2019): 1-11-Spice, William. “Management Of Sex Workers And Other High-Risk Groups”. Occupational Medicine 57 (2007): 322-328-Strike, Cara. “A Modern Look at the Oldest Profession: The Inconsistency of Prostitution, Sex Trafficking and the Internet”. Transnational Law & Contemporary Problem Journal 29, no. 2 (2020): 353-374-Ulrich, Jennifer L. “Confronting Gender-based Violence with International Instruments: Is a Solution to the Pandemic within Reach?”. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 22, no. 1 (2000): 629-654-Uzun, Gizem Oneri & Uzunboylu, Huseyin. “A Survey Regarding of Domestic Violence Againts Women”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 190 (2015): 24-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.911

Books:-Aziz, Zarizana Abdul & Moussa, Janine. Due Diligence Framework: State Accountability Framework for Eliminating Violence against Women. (International Human Rights Initiative, 2016).-Balfour, Reuben & Allen, Jessica. A Review of the Literature on Sex Workers and Social Exclusion. (The UCL Institute of Health Equity for Inclusion Health. Department of Health, 2014.)-Brownridge, Douglas A. Violence Against Women: Vulnerable Populations (1st ed.). (Routledge, 2009), 1. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203877432-Ministry of Women and Children Empowerment Indonesia. Panduan Pemantauan dan Evaluasi: Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Layanan Terpadu bagi Perempuan dan Anak Korban Kekerasan [Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines: Minimum Service Standards for Integrated Services for Women and Children Victims of Violence]. (KemenPPPA, 2012).-National Women Commission, Perempuan Dalam Himpitan Pandemi: Lonjakan Kekerasan Seksual, Kekerasan Siber, Perkawinan Anak, Dan Keterbatasan Penanganan [Women in a Pandemic: An Increase in Sexual Violence, Cyber Violence, Child Marriage, and Limitations of Settlement]. (National Women Commission Annual Report, 2021).-Ramadhan, Choky Risda, et al. Asesmen Konsistensi Putusan Pengadilan Kasus-Kasus Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan [Assessment of Consistency of Court Decisions in Cases of Violence against Women]. (Badan Penerbit Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia – MaPPI FHUI - LBH APIK, second edition 2018).-Sagala, Valentina, ed. Penegakan Hukum yang Berkeadilan Jender: Setahun Program Penguatan Penegak Hukum [Gender Equitable Law Enforcement: A Year of Law Enforcement Strengthening Program]. (Komnas Perempuan – LBH APIK Jakarta – LBPP DERAP – Warapsari – Convention Watch-PKWJ UI, 2005).
Legislation:-Indonesia. Law 7/1984 regarding Ratification of the Convention on The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Internet sources:-BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance & Counselling Programs. “Critical Elements of an Effective Response to Violence against Women”. Accessed on 11 May 2022, https://endingviolence.org/files/uploads/BN_5_MARG_WOMEN.pdf -KemenPPPA. “Kemen PPPA Luncurkan Call Center SAPA 129 [Kemen PPPA Launched Call Center SAPA 129]”. Accessed on 15 May 2022, https://www.kemenpppa.go.id/index.php/page/read/29/3085/kemen-pppa-luncurkan-call-center-sapa-129 -KemenPPPA. “Sinergi KemenPPPA dan PT. PNM Perkuat Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Perempuan [Synergy between KemenPPPA and PT. PNM Strengthens Women's Economic Empowerment]”. Accessed on 17 May 2022, https://www.kemenpppa.go.id/index.php/page/read/29/3016/sinergi-kemen-pppa-dan-pt-pnm-perkuat-pemberdayaan-ekonomi-perempuan -Ki-Moon, Ban. “Statement of the Secretary-General, Secretary General’s Remarks on the International Day Elimination of Violence Against Women”. United Nation (UN). Accessed on 11 May 2022, http://www.un.org/sg/statements/index.asp?nid=8227 -Komnas Perempuan. “Bayang-bayang Stagnansi: Daya Pencegahan dan Penanganan Berbanding Peningkatan Jumlah, Ragam dan Kompleksitas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender terhadap Perempuan [In the Shadow of Stagnancy: Prevention and Settlement versus the Increase of Numbers, Variety, and Complexity of Gender-Based Violence towards Women]”. Accessed on 11 May 2022, https://komnasperempuan.go.id/siaran-pers-detail/peringatan-hari-perempuan-internasional-2022-dan-peluncuran-catatan-tahunan-tentang-kekerasan-berbasis-gender-terhadap-perempuan-UN, OCHCR. “Violence against Women. Information Series on Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights”. Accessed on 11 May 2022, https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session23/A_HRC_23_49_English.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjbyMC_xNb3AhXVjOYKHbWUBdoQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3_S-SY6XDnmRCXUpWKsQTm -World Bank. “Violence against Women and Girls.” Accessed on 20 May 2022, https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/socialdevelopment/brief/violence-against-women-and-girls. -World Health Organization. “Global and regional estimates of violence against women: prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence”. Available at https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/85239
UNGA:-UN. CEDAW, General Recommendation 19: Violence against women, 11th session, 1992, U.N. Doc. HRI\GEN\1\Rev. 1 at 84 (1994), para. 9. UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. -UN. General Assembly Resolution 48/104 of 20 December 1993; A/RES/48/104, 23 February 1994, Article 4.c.- UN. General Assembly Resolution 52/86 of 12 December 1997; A/RES/52/86, 2 February 1998, ANNEX.

Handbook/Pocketbook:-UN UNODC. Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence. Trainee’s Manual for Law Enforcement and Justice Sectors in Vietnam, 2011.-UN OHCHR. Professional Training Series No. 5/Add.3 Human Rights Standard and Practice for the Police. Expanded Pocket Book on Human Rights for the Police, 2004.-Manjoo, Rashida. Annual Thematic Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on VAW, its causes and consequences. Human Rights Council U.N. Doc. A/HRC/14/22 para 12, 2010.
Presentation material:-Tardi, Siti Aminah. Analisa Kualitatif. Bayang-Bayang Stagnasi: Daya Pencegahan dan Penanganan Berbanding Peningkatan Jumlah, Ragam dan Kompleksitas Kekerasan Berbasis Gender terhadap Perempuan (Qualitative Analysis. In Shadows of Stagnation: Prevention and Settlement Compared to the Increase in the Number, Variety and Complexity of Gender-Based Violence against Women). Presentation material on Peluncuran Catatan Tahunan Komnas Perempuan 2022: Data Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan Tahun 2021 (Launching of the 2022 Komnas Perempuan Annual Report) (online) Monday, March 7, 2022 08.00 – 12.45 GMT+7
