Rebus Sic Stantibus doctrine becomes a dispute as a result from reckless application of States, started from the period towards 1914, to escape from burdensome treaties, and it continued to the period between the First and the Second World War. Rebus Sic Stantibus principle has been applied by many countries and it has been accepted by the majority of international law experts as part of international law. Even though there was a debate about the doctrine application. oktrik The first commentary said by applying negative form would make the fundamental change of circumstances principle. On the other hand, it is not the duty of legislation to define the scope of the fundamental change of circumstances principle, and this duty is granted to law. In the end it depends on the consideration of interested government body in terminating international treaties.
Books: Brierly, J.L. 1963. “The Law of Nation”. Sixth Edition, Oxford at the Clarendon Press Elias, T.O. 1994. “The Modern Law of Treaties”. A.W. Sijthoff : Leiden Fenwick, G. Charles. 1948. International Law. Third Edition, New York. Francois, J.P.A. 1967. “Grondlijnen van Het Volkenrecht”. Derde Druk: Zwolle Green, L.C. 1959. “International Law through the Cases”. Frederich A. Prager: New York Jessup, C. Philip. 1958. “A Modern Law of Nations: An Introduction”. The Matmullar Company: New York Lauterpacht, H. “The Function of Law in the International Community”. Oxford at the Clarendon Press. Journal: Garner, J.W. 1967. “The Doctrine of Rebus Sic Stantibus and the Termination of Treaties”. The American Journal of International Law, Vol 61. Lissitzyn, J. Oliver. 1967. “Treaties and Change Circumstances (Rebus Sic Stantibus)”. The American Journal of International Law (AJIL), Vol. 61. Rőling, B.V.A. 1973. De Clausula “Rebus Sic Stantibus” in het Volkenrecht, Rechtsgeleerde Magazijn, Themis, Tjeenk Willink Zwolle. Verzyl, J.H.W. 1965. “The Jurisprudence of the World Court”. A case by case commentary Volume I, The Permanent Court of International Justice (1922-1940). A.W. Sijthoff-Leyden Others: Yearbook of the International Commissions 1963 Volume II Yearbook of the International Commissions 1966 Volume II
Recommended Citation
Suraputra, D. Sidik
Indonesian Journal of International Law: Vol. 11:
4, Article 5.
DOI: 10.17304/ijil.vol11.4.518
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