

The development of human resources through closer cooperation in education and life-long learning is one of ASEAN purposes as stipulated in the Article 1 Paragraph (10) of the ASEAN Charter. In the Cha-am Hua Hin Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation on Education to Achieve an ASEAN Caring and Sharing Community, the Heads of State and Government of ASEAN agreed to give greater emphasis on the principles of democracy, respect for human rights and peace-oriented values in the school curriculum. Indeed, that is an important action to strengthen the role of education in building the ASEAN Community by 2015. One of the ASEAN’s inspirations which are represented in ASEAN’s 5-year Work Plan on Education (2010-2015) is to prepare the youth for regional leadership. Based on that background, the awareness on human rights through human rights education for the youth as ASEAN future leader is very important. This paper will discuss two main issues, which are (1) how the educational cooperation in ASEAN can promote the human rights awareness for the youth? ; and (2) how the common agreement on human rights education to guide awareness for the youth can be achieved by ASEAN member states? Related with those issues, this paper will also analyze the right to education as enshrined in ASEAN member states’ constitution and analyze the CRC and other human rights instruments. The main recommendation: the steps to achieve the common agreement on human rights education by ASEAN member states that will strengthen the ASEAN’s role in sustainable development to promote human rights in the region.


Books Beiter,Klaus Dieter. The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law. (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2006) Buck, Trevor. International Child. (Routledge, New York, 2001) Federle, Katherine Hunt. “Rights Flow Downhill”, in Michael,D.A Freeman (ed), Children’s Right, Vol. I. (Dartmouth Publishing Company, England, 2003) Tomuschat, Cristian. Human Rights, Between Idealism and Realism, 2nd Edition. (Oxford University Press, New York, 2008) Weatherbee, Donald E. International Relations in Southeast Asia, The Struggle for Autonomy, 2nd Edition. (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2009) Electronic Papers and Journals Education to Play a Central Role in Narrowing Development Gap: East Asia Summit Education Ministers Meet Informally in Bali, 2011, http://www.asean.org/26469.htm, Human Rights Education in the school systems in south east asia, http://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/pdf/publications/other-publications/wphre-sea-report.pdf Human Rights Education, http://www.unesco.org/new/en/education/themes/leading-the-international-agenda/human-rights-education/ Plantilla, Jefferson R., Context of Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, http://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/pdf/asia-s ed/v11/18Context%20of%20HRE%20in%20Asian%20Schools.pdf Suprastowo, Philip. “Implementasi Pendidikan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) di Indonesia” Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Vol.15, No.1, (Januari 2009) Laws Constitution of Malaysia, http://confinder.richmond.edu/admin/docs/malaysia.pdf Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, http://www.constitution.org/cons/cambodia.htm Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, http://www.isaanlawyers.com/constitution%20thailand%202007%20-%202550.pdf Constitution of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, http://www.mof.gov.la/sites/default/files/news/Constitution%20%282003%29%20Eng.pdf Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, http://www.us-asean.org/Indonesia/constitution.htm Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, http://www.us-asean.org/Indonesia/constitution.htm Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=188428 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (As Amended 25 December 2001), http://www.vietnamlaws.com/freelaws/Constitution92%28aa01%29.pdf Convention on the Rights of the Child, http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/pdf/crc.pdf The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, http://www.architectureboard.ph/1%20LAWS WS %20(&Regns)ON%20ARCH3/1987Constitution.pdf The Law on Education of Kingdom of Cambodia, enacted by the National Assembly on the 19th of October 2007http://www.moeys.gov.kh/Includes/Contents/Education/ Education%20Law%20in%20English%20Unofficial%20Translation.pdf Miscellaneous Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center, Human Rights Lesson Plans for Southeast Asian Schools, 2003, http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/edumat/SoutheastAsianHRE.pdf Cha-am Hua Hin Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation on Education to Achieve ASEAN Caring and Sharing Community, , http://www.asean.org/15thsummit/Declaration-Education.pdf Education Profile, http://bruneidarussalameducation.info//profile.asp Fact Sheet Cooperation on Education in ASEAN, http://www.asean.org/Fact%20Sheet/ASCC/2009-ASCC-003.pdf International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights ,http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/cescr.htm, last visited August 25, 2009 Plan of action for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004: Human Rights education – lesson for life, http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N97/008/02/PDF/N9700802.pdf OpenElement Roadmap for an ASEAN Community 2009-2015, http://www.asean.org/publications/RoadmapASEANCommunity.pdf The ASEAN National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) Forum, http://aseannhriforum.org/en/about-us.html United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Trainings, Annex of A/HRC/16/1 http://www.theewc.org/uploads/content/United%20Nations%20Declaration.pdf World Data on Education, 7th edition, 2010/2011, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, http://www.ibe.unesco.org /fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/WD E/2010/pdf-versions/Lao_PDR.pdf World Data on Education, 7th edition, 2010/2011, Myanmar http://www.ibe.unesco.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/WD WD E/2010/pdf-versions/Myanmar.pdfAsia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center, Human Rights Lesson Plans for Southeast Asian Schools, 2003 World Data on Education, 7th edition, 2010/2011,Singapore, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001931/193190e.pdf World Data on Education, 7th edition, Brunei Darussalam, 2010/2011 http://www.ibe.unesco.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/WD WD E/2010/pdf-versions/Brunei_Darussalam.pdf
