

Since the end of World War II, international law of human rights have a rapid and significant improvement so that it's become the primary source of law when state, international organization, and individual faces the human rights problems in all over the world. Efforts from the world community to improve the system of human rights protection achieve it's culmination point when the UN diplomatic conference agreed the Rome Statuate about International Criminal Court. Indonesia does not ratify that convention because Indonesia already has the law of human rights that is in the Law Number 26 Year 2000. This regulation applied to severlas cases of human rights violation in Indonesia such as Abilio Jose Osorio Soares case, Soedjarwo case, and G.M. Timbul Silaen. In those cases, the definition of "a systematic and widespread attack" becomes the main discussion. The Rome Statute applies the principle of "non-retroactive" while the Indonesian human rights law applies the principle of "retroactive".


1. J,G. Starke Pengantar Hueum Internasior. .l" Edisi Kesepuluh 1999 Sinar Grafika, Jakarta. 2. Thomas Buergenthal & Harold G. Maier"Public International Law in a Nutshell" 1990 West Publishing Co St.Paul, MN 55164-0526. 3. Geoffrey Rebertson QC "Kejahatan Terhadap Kemanusiaan Perjuangan Untuk Mewujudkan Keadilan Global" 2002, Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia. 4. DR. H. Eddy Djunaedi Karnasudirdja, SH, MCJ "dari Pengadilan Militer Intexmasional Nurcmberg ke Pengadilan Hak Azasi Manusia Indonesia: 2003, Tatanusa, Jakarta. 5. Instrumen Pokok Hak Asasi Manusia Internasional Bagi Aparatur Penegak Hukum, 2001, ELSAM Jakarta. 6. Putusan No. 01/PID.HAM/ AD.HOC/2002/PH.JKT.PST 7. Putusan No. 02/PID.HAM/ AD HO C/2002/PN.JKT.PST 8. Putusan No. 08/PID.HAM/AD.HOC/2002/PN.JKT.PST
